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r . <br /> MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> Special Meeting: 10-3-96 <br /> 1. Call to order- by Chair Russ Warren at 7:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Roll Call - Present: Russ Warren, Richard Oman, Virgil Beyer, Jerry Linke, Dave Long, Duane McCarty, Jean Miller, <br /> Roger Stigney, Bill Werner, Ruth white, & Bill Wilson. Also present was City Administrator Chuck Whiting. <br /> Absent: (excused) Laurie Schley& Julie Trude. Absent: (unexcused) Len burgers & Rhonda Smeija. <br /> Motion by Duane McCarty and second by Roger Stigney to approve the excused absences, Motion approved. <br /> Motion by Richard Oman and second by Dave Long to excuse the absences of Len Burgers and Rhonda Smeija, <br /> Motion Approved. <br /> 3. Expiring Terms-Chair Russ Warren presented the notice of expiring terms as provided by the District court. Eight terms <br /> are expiring, and those eligible for reappointment were polled -all requested reappointment. Some members were not <br /> eligible for reappointment. An updated membership roster will be created following the new appointments. <br /> 4. Council Business - Agenda - Duane McCarty presented the proposed resolution 96-1 regarding Sue Hankner's notice of <br /> resignation from the City Council. Duane McCarty explained his reasoning for the proposed resolution in regards to the <br /> Charter's provisions for election of City Council members when a vacancy exists. Motion by Duane McCarty and second <br /> by Virgil Beyer to approve Resolution 96-1. Extended discussions focused on: the specific timing of the notice of <br /> resignation, the effective date of the resignation, the provisions of the Charter at different times in the election cycle, the <br /> actions of the City Council in the acceptance of the resignation, and the authority of the Charter Commission. <br /> Chuck Whiting explained the actions of City Staff in regards to Public Notice and working with Ramsey County Staff in <br /> the preparation of election ballots. The City Attorney provided a recommendation to Council and Staff that the provisions <br /> of State Law be followed in the City election, stating that the Charter did not directly address the election procedure in <br /> this instance. The discussion centered on the problem presented by the filling of the vacant Council seat by the third <br /> highest vote recipient. and the fact that citizens could vote for only two Councilmembers. <br /> No resolution of the perceived problems could be achieved, and it was noted that these problems could have been <br /> avoided if Councilmember Hanker had submitted her resignation prior to the time of filing for office for City elections. An <br /> amendment to Resolution 96-1 was presented by Jerry Linke regarding clarification of the actions of the City Council in <br /> the acceptance of Councilmember Hankner's resignation. This amendment was accepted by the maker and seconder of <br /> the motion. <br /> A Roll Call Vote was requested by the Commission Chair: Approve Resolution 96-1. <br /> AYE Bill Wilson, Ruth White, Bill Werner, Roger Stigney, Jean Miller, Duane McCarty, Dave Long, Virgil Beyer, <br /> Richard Oman. <br /> NAY Jerry Linke, Russ Warren <br /> Resolution-96-1.-as-amended,-approved-by--a-vote-of 9-2. <br /> 5. Discussion by Duane McCarty regarding the status of the presentation of the Charter update to the City Council. <br /> Resolution 96-2 was drafted requesting that the City council not act on any Charter changes, and that the Charter <br /> Commission meet beginning in January 1997 to finalize the cnarter update process. Motion by Russ VVarren and <br /> second by Duane McCarty to approve Resolution 96-2. Motion approved. <br /> 6. Motion by Jerry Linke and second by Virgil Beyer to declare this Commission meeting to be the annual meeting. Motion <br /> Approved. It was noted that the Chair was to prepare the annual report to the District court. <br /> 7. Adjournment Motion by Jerry Linke and second by Virgil Beyer to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion Approved <br /> Secretary's Note - Election of Officers should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting <br /> Submitted by Richard Oman <br />