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w '~, ~ ' _ _,,. u ~i <br />~ 9 , .. <br />~~ <br />Page 8 <br />. January 27, 1997 <br />Mounds View City Council <br />VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion carried <br />Mr. Ulrich noted that SEH is currently working on a mock assessment and that he hopes to have it for review <br />within the next day or two. <br />Council member Trude asked that staff be sure that property owners are notified that the WILL be assessed and <br />that not all costs will be covered by other government entities, just because it is a county project. She asked <br />that the letter notifying residents be reviewed by Mr. Long to make sure that it complies with Charter <br />requirements. <br />B. Introduction of Ordinan~x No. 588, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1124 of the Mounds View <br />Zoning Code Relating to the Location and Deign of Witeleas Communication Facilities within the City <br />of Mounds View <br />Mr. Jim Ericson, Planning Associate, explained that at the last Council meeting, staff presented a draft of <br />Ordinance No. 588, after which a number of comments and suggestions were made by the Council and industry <br />representatives. Staff went through the Ordinance and made changes and sent copies to the industry <br />representatives for their review and a copy was sent to SEH for their review and comments. Mr. Ericson <br />briefly went through the changes that were made to the draft ordinance. <br />• Gary VanCleve, representing APT was present and noted that he had five points of concern with the proposed <br />ordinance which he has also talked with Mr. Ericson about. He proceeded to go through the areas of concern. <br />MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Trude to Approve the Introduction and Waive the Reading of Ordinance No. <br />588, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1124 of the Mounds View Zoning Code Relating to the Location and <br />Design of Wireless Communication Facilities within the City of Mounds View. <br />VOTE: 4 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />D. Bel Rae Status. <br />Mr. Whiting stated that his discussions with the Children's Home Society have continued in regard to a draft for <br />a lease agreement. They have discussed the general perimeters of what that agreement should contain. As he <br />mentioned previously, the Children's Home Society may be able to lease space through early Summer. He also <br />noted that he has continued discussions with another entity in regard to an agreement with them. He will <br />continue to keep the council posted on this issue. <br />E. National Sports Center Ice Arena Master Agreement. <br />Mr. Whiting noted that this master agreement must be agreed to by the City of Mounds View in order to be a <br />part of the construction of one of four ice rinks being proposed at the National Sports Facility in Blaine. <br />Mounds View has joined with three othercommunities -Arden I~iills, Shoreview and New Brighton in the <br />agreement and will share in the operational costs of one of the rinks at the sports center. <br />The group will commit to provide assurance that 2080 hours of ice time will be purchased each year at a <br />minimum cost of $125/hour. As part of the supplemental agreement, they have been working with two area <br />hockey associations who would basically commit to those ice hours and who would build an escrow fund to <br />help pay for unused ice hours. In addition, one of the requirements of the group would be that $500,000 be <br />