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Ala./‘.1.2.-2t0-5 NJ,. <br /> Memorandum <br /> • To: Jonathan Thomas, Charter Commission Chair <br /> Charter Commission Members <br /> From: Charles Hansen, Finance Director <br /> Item Title/Subject: Budget Provisions in the City Charter <br /> Date of Report: June 9, 2003 <br /> The League of Minnesota Cities produces an annual "Guidelines for Preparing City <br /> Budgets." The most recent one was published in June 2002 for the preparation of the <br /> 2003 budget. Most of its information is still relevant. A new one should be out in the <br /> near future. <br /> The Guidelines are 128 pages long and actually contain information on a range of topics <br /> beyond budgeting. I have made a copy of the full Guidelines for the use of the Charter <br /> Commission. <br /> Within the Guidelines is a twelve-page section that specifically deals with the budget <br /> requirements specified in Minnesota State Statutes and a timeline of these events and <br /> requirements. A copy of this section is attached. <br /> The City Council and staff have strived to have an open and informative budget <br /> 0 process. For instance, for the last two budget cycles, the City of Mounds View was <br /> exempted from the statutory requirement to hold a "Truth in Taxation Public Hearing." <br /> The City Council chose to hold the public hearing anyway. <br /> Presenting the budget in an easily understandable fashion is a daunting task. The City <br /> has so many operations, including police, fire, streets, parks, recreation, administration, <br /> cable TV, community center, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, street lights, golf <br /> course, debt service, capital projects, economic development and tax increment <br /> financing, that it is impossible to give a quick or simple summary of them in a budget. <br /> The 2003 operating budget is 137 pages long. There are several enhancements that I <br /> want to incorporate in the 2004 budget that will make it even longer. The Mayor wants <br /> to look at alternate formats that may make the budget more understandable. Even <br /> when these improvements are made, presenting the budget will be challenging because <br /> people won't sit still long enough to hear all of it. <br /> None of this should deter the Charter Commission from addressing the budget. I have <br /> two suggestions. First is: don't duplicate state statutes. When the statutes change, <br /> there is a conflict with the charter and we have to follow the statutes. Second is to avoid <br /> mandating more detail. What is needed is a more effective way of conveying the big <br /> picture. There already is and will always be too much detail. <br /> 0 I provided a memo to the Charter Commission dated November 13, 2002 that <br /> suggested a change to the Charter. That change regarded the level of budgetary <br />