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• 'I <br /> MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION <br /> • <br /> MINUTES <br /> WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1979 <br /> I. Meeting called to order by Chairman, Bill Doty, at 7:49 P.M. <br /> (Meeting delayed for arrival of sufficient members for quorum <br /> to do business. Duane McCarty's arrival completed quorum.) <br /> II. ABSENT MEMBERS: Milan Illig Dave Notaro <br /> Lowell Nygaard Jim Wills <br /> William Werner Curt Schmidt <br /> III. Motion made by Howard Neisen and seconded by Duane McCarty that <br /> the reading of the meeting Minutes of April 18, 1979, be waived. <br /> Carried unanimously. <br /> The chairman requested the addition of the following words to the <br /> last paragraph on page (2) - - - "and submitted for the consideration <br /> of the above named committee". The last sentence, therefore, to read: <br /> "These proposed revisions are as follows, and submitted for the con- <br /> sideration of the above named committee". <br /> Also, the sections of the report of the "Administration, Taxation and <br /> Finance" Committee should be prefixed by the numeral 6- as being <br /> identified as Chapter 6, "Administration of City Affairs". <br /> Thereupon, a motion was made by Howard Neisen and seconded by Wally <br /> Skiba that the minutes be approved as amended. Carried unanimously. <br /> IV. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 1. Bill Doty will report on the activities of the Charter Commission <br /> in the next issue of the city Newsletter. <br /> 2. Update on Objective: Completion of drafts and legal search completed <br /> by end of August, 1979. <br /> 3. All Committee Reports should also indicate the names of all members <br /> attending meetings, as well as the date, time and place of meeting. <br />