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MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> MARCH 8, 1994 <br /> I. Call to Order <br /> Chair Len Burgers called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. in the Mounds View City Hall. <br /> II. Roll Call <br /> Present: Virgil Beyer, Len Burgers, Jerry Linke, Dave Long, Duane McCarty, Richard Oman, <br /> Laurie Schley, Bob Toborg, Julie Trude, Russell Warren, Arlene Werdien, Bill Werner and Ruth <br /> White. <br /> Absent (excused): Lloyd Bardwell and Sue Hankner. <br /> III. Approval of Minutes <br /> Upon the motion of Laurie Schley, seconded by Jerry Linke, the Minutes of the February 22nd <br /> meeting were approved as submitted. Vote: Ayes-11,Nays-0, Abstentions-3. <br /> IV. Review of Charter Draft "94-1" <br /> The commission reviewed the entire document, page by page, to note discrepencies in typing, <br /> spelling, phrasing and other minor errors or problems. The noted changes will be incorporated <br /> into the next re-typed draft. The Chair offered to submit the document to an English teacher for <br /> review for grammar and phrasing suggestions. The offered changes will then be re-submitted to <br /> the entire commission. <br /> During the discussion of the "minor errors" several commissioners brought up other items that <br /> may require additional review. In Section 7.06 the commissioners discussed the addition of <br /> language which would clearly require all revenues from all sources be included in the budget <br /> resolution. Laurie Schley, as author of Chapter 7, offered to review Chapter 7 to make sure the <br /> commission's intentions are accurately represented in the proposed language changes. <br /> In Section 7.10, subd. 1, the commissioners want to have the League of Cities explain when an <br /> election is required before the city may issue obligations. The language is directly from the Model <br /> Charter and is not clear. <br />• <br /> -1- <br />