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MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> III REGULAR MEETING - 5 - 16 - 95 <br /> 1. Call To Order - by Chair Russ Warren at 7:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Roll Call - Present: Virgil Beyer, Duane McCarty, Richard Oman, Laurie Schley, <br /> Rhonda Smeija, Roger Stigney, Russ Warren, Bill Werner, Ruth White, & Bill Wilson. <br /> Excused: Jerry Linke, Jean Miller, & Julie Trude. Jerry Linke arrived late. Absent: Len <br /> Burger & Dave Long. <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes - Motion by Duane McCarty and second by Virgil Beyer to <br /> approve of minutes of meeting 4-11-95 as written. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br /> 4. Excused Absences - Motion by Duane McCarty and second by Virgil Beyer to excuse <br /> the absences of Jerry Linke, Jean Miller, and Julie Trude. Motion passed on a voice <br /> vote. <br /> 5. Section 5.03, Subd. 1 - (Burden of Proof) : Duane McCarty submitted redraft of <br /> amendment and explained latest change. Discussion ensued regarding specific points in <br /> the amendment, the process laid out in the amendment, and the effect of the amendment <br /> on potential occurrences in the city. Motion by Duane McCarty and second by Virgil <br /> Beyer to approve the amendment as shown (draft #4) .A roll call vote was requested by <br /> Chair Russ Warren. Voting AYE: Virgil Beyer, Duane McCarty, Richard Oman, Roger <br /> Stigney, Russ Warren, Bill Werner, Ruth White, and Bill Wilson. Voting NAY: Laurie <br /> Schley. ABSTAIN: Rhonda Smeija. Motion passed. <br /> . Section 8.04 - Discussion on Section 8.04: correct typing in errors; Substitute <br /> 'majority' for 51%; change "give' to 'receive' (mailed notice) . Motion by Laurie Schley <br /> and second by Virgil Beyer to adopt Sec. 8.04 as corrected. Roll call vote - AYE: <br /> Virgil Beyer, Jerry Linke, Richard Oman, Laurie Schley, Rhonda Smeija, Roger Stigney, <br /> Russ Warren, and Bill Wilson. NAY: Duane McCarty, Bill Werner, and Ruth White. Motion <br /> Passed. <br /> 7. Section 8.05 - After discussion, it was proposed to substitute 60o for 'majority' <br /> in Subd. 1. Further discussion centered on the city wide petition process contained in <br /> the original charter. No solution could be found between the original and the <br /> amendment. Motion by Laurie Schley to approve the amendment as written (majority) . <br /> Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Jerry Linke and second by Laurie Schley to <br /> approve the amendment as changed (60%) . Roll Call vote - AYE: Jerry Linke, Richard <br /> Oman, Laurie Schley, Rhonda Smeija, Roger Stigney, and Russ Warren. NAY: Virgil Beyer, <br /> Duane McCarty, Bill Werner, Ruth White, and Bill Wilson. Motion Passed. <br /> 8. Agenda - Further discussion ensued regarding the lack of clear support for Sec. <br /> 8.05, and other potential agenda items for the next meeting. It was decided that Duane <br /> McCarty would chair a subcommittee to resolve the problem with Sec. 8.05; Laurie Schley <br /> would chair a subcommittee to clarify the Charter amendment & adoption process; and <br /> Richard Oman would chair a subcommittee to verify the references to "law" which appear <br /> in the Charter. These subcommittees would report at the next meeting, which will be <br /> held on Tuesday June 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. <br /> Adjournment - Motion by Virgil Beyer and second by Roger Stigney to adjourn at <br /> :38 p.m. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br /> NEXT MEETING 6-6-95 AT 7:00 p.m. <br />