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MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> 1111 ANNUAL MEETING; 10- 19-95 <br /> 1. Call to Order - by Chair Russ Warren at 7:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Roll Call - Present: Duane McCarty, Richard Oman, Laurie Schley, Rhonda Smeija, Roger <br /> Stigney, Julie Trude, Russ Warren, Bill Werner, Ruth White. <br /> Motion by Laurie Schley and second by Julie Trude to excuse the absences of: Virgil Beyer, <br /> Len Burger, Jerry Linke, Dave Long, Jean Miller, Bill Wilson. Motion approved. <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes - Motion by Julie Trude and second by Ruth White to approve the <br /> minutes of meeting 7-11-95, as written. Motion approved. <br /> 4. Chair Report - Chair Russ Warren reported on the process which produced the redline <br /> copy of the charter update, and requested that payment of $80.00 be authorized to Jurrene <br /> Monson for secretarial services. Motion by Laurie Schley and second by Ruth White to approve <br /> payment. Motion approved. <br /> Julie Trude explained the requirements for an annual report as stated in the bylaws, and <br /> Chair Russ Warren requested that the annual report to the commission be delayed until the <br /> next meeting. This was acceptable to the commission. <br /> 5. 5.03 - Burden of Proof - Julie Trude stated that the mechanism as contained in 5.03 <br /> will not function legally - if city council is forced to go to the court, they will be <br /> rejected because they are not an aggrieved party. Discussion followed which explored options <br /> 11111 in light of the intent of the amendment. The League of Cities has stated that we could <br /> require the charter commission to go to court for the petition committee. This would require <br /> payment from the city, and lawsuits are a financial burden for the city. Because of the <br /> unresolved difficulties in this amendment, it was withdrawn for further work. Julie Trude <br /> will seek further legal opinion which may illustrate a solution. <br /> 6. Chapter 8 - It was noted that the updated version of Chapter 8 was not included in the <br /> redline document. This update included Chapter 8 of draft 94-3 and Ruth White #2 - the second <br /> rewrite of Sections 8.04 & 8.05. <br /> 7. Review - Due to concerns revealed in the redline document, it was determined that a <br /> read through would be appropriate. Chair Russ Warren would record unresolved issues for <br /> future agenda items, and Julie Trude would track typos, errors, omissions etc. In addition, <br /> Julie Trude would research some unresovled issues for legal guidance. <br /> Motion by Duane McCarty and second by Ruth White to replace Section 2.02 with the original <br /> charter wording (with minor change) . Motion approved. <br /> Motion by Roger Stigney and second by Richard Oman to add 'no other authority or' to Section <br /> 2.06, sub. 1 - The Mayor's Power and Duties (p.4, line 14 - redline draft 1) . Motion <br /> approved. <br /> Motion by Julie Trude and second by Laurie Schley to change section 3.05 (p.7, line 12 of <br /> redline draft 1) to read; 'and explained or read' . Motion approved. <br /> Motion by Julie Trude and second by Laurie Schley to reinsert the strikeout portion of lines <br /> 14 & 15 (p.8 - redline draft 1) Section 3.07 Publication of Ordinances. Motion approved. <br /> 8. Meeting Dates - By consensus, the commission set future meeting dates for 11-8-95, 11- <br /> 16-95, 11-30-95, and 12-14-95, all to be at 7:00 p.m. at city hall. <br /> 110 9. Adjournment - Motion by Laurie Schley and second by Duane McCarty to adjourn at 9:30 <br /> p.m. Motion approved. <br />