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MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> 1111 REGULAR MEETING; 11-8-95 <br /> 1 . Call to Order - By Chair Russ Warren at 7 :00 p.m. <br /> 2. Roll Call - Present: Len Burger, Jerry Linke, Dave Long, Jean <br /> Miller, Richard Oman, Rhonda Smeija, Roger Stigney, Bill Werner, Bill. <br /> Wilson, and Ruth White. <br /> Motion by Ruth White to approve the absences of remaining members; <br /> motion approved. <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes - Discussion of approved changes in redline <br /> document, by Ruth White, which are recorded in the minutes of meeting <br /> 10-19-95. Motion by Jerry Linke and second by Julie Trude to approve the <br /> minutes of meeting 10-19-95 as written. Motion approved. <br /> 4 . Chair Report - Chair Russ Warren presented his annual report, and <br /> discussion followed with the recommendation that Commission officers and <br /> members be listed and to note that no member terms expire this year. <br /> Motion by len Burger and second by jerry Linke to approve the annual <br /> report as amended. Motion approved. <br /> 5. Review of Redline - Discussion of City budget process whereby the <br /> 11111 Council can amend the adopted budget without public notice or public <br /> hearing, issue raised. by Richard Oman in relation to the water meter <br /> replacement project which was approved by the Council . The difficulty <br /> for the Charter Commission in dealing with this issue is the exemption <br /> in State Law which bars petition/initiatives on matters which <br /> appropriate money. No solution is evident . <br /> Further discussion ensued on the problem of errors & omissions, etc. , in <br /> the Charter redline document . Julie Trude stated that she was not <br /> interested in continuing the correction of all the errors. It was again <br /> pointed out that Charter draft. 94-3 was available and contained none of <br /> the problems present in the redline document . Given the difficulties in <br /> proceeding with the review of the redline document: Motion by Julie <br /> Trude and second by Dave Long to submit the updated Charter to the <br /> Council for approval . This updated Charter would consist of draft 94-3, <br /> Ruth White #2 (8 . 04 & 8. 05) , and the four approved motions of meeting <br /> 10-19-95 (2.02, 2 . 06 sub. 1, 3 .05, :3 .07)) . Discussion followed which <br /> included: the fact that we are only partially through the review of the <br /> updated Charter; and whether or not we should include Term Limits, and <br /> Primary Elections. Motion by Richard Oman to table the approval motion <br /> and produce Charter draft 95-1 which would include the additional <br /> elements as stated above, and to produce a corrected redline document <br /> for the benefit of those who wished further review. <br /> As members were tired of the frustration of the process which we had <br /> been laboring at, the meeting was abruptly ended. <br /> 6. Adjournment: - Motion by Jerry Linke and second by Bill Werner to <br /> II/1 <br /> adjourn at 8 : 50 p.m. , motion approved. <br /> Next meeting date is 11-30-95 at 7 : 00 p.m. <br /> RDO <br />