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Ericson stated, at the Planning Commission level, there was some question regarding signage. <br />He stated the applicant had requested permanent signage to advertise vehicles for sale, and that <br />staff and the Planning Commission had recommended against that, given that auto sales have <br />their own specific set of criteria and zoning considerations. He stated that this site could not <br />accommodate a use strictly for the sale of automobiles, and therefore, it was believed that any <br />type of advertising would go against the grain of the Zoning Code. He stated that it was <br />determined that any exterior signage would not be allowed. He stated that signage within a <br />vehicle would be allowed. <br />Ericson stated that the conditional use permit requirements for this particular use, had been reviewed <br />by staff and the Planning Commission, and all of these requirements have been met and satisfied. <br />He added the general requirements, which are present with any conditional use permit have also been <br />met to the satisfaction of the Code. <br />Ericson stated the applicant has indicated his desire to upgrade the landscaping on the site. He stated <br />the City Forester was at the site that date, and had recommended that some additional plantings could <br />be installed, however, in regard to the untended plantings already on site, he recommended that they <br />might be trimmed back and cared for, rather than removed. Ericson stated that there were no specific <br />requirements in regard to landscaping, other than those of the conditional use permit, which indicate <br />that they upgrade it to the satisfaction of staff and the City Forester. <br />• Ericson provided an overview of the stipulations associated with this particular use. These include <br />the hours of operation, the issue of signage and the number of vehicles on the lot for sale at any time. <br />In addition, no more than twenty-three vehicles will be allowed on the site pursuant to the revised <br />site plan, the service of vehicles will be limited to those vehicles owned by the business, and the <br />applicant will make the recommended landscaping improvements. Ericson stated that, as with the <br />previous request, the conditional use permit shall be recorded with Ramsey County. He stated that <br />Page 5 of the resolution, contains a second clause which states all other conditional use permits on <br />file with the subject property pertaining to previous uses shall be "revoked, rescinded and considered <br />null and void," as the provisions pertaining to those uses are no longer being observed. <br />Ericson stated that the Planning Commission heard this request at their July 7 and July 21 <br />meetings. He stated after some discussion concerning the use, and the potential impacts to the <br />neighborhood, they approved a resolution recommending to the City Council that this conditional <br />use permit request be approved, with stipulations that have been carried forward into the Council <br />resolution. <br />The applicant was not present. <br />Julie Olson, 2663 Lake Court Circle inquired regarding the proposed hours of operation. <br />Ericson stated that the hours of operation would not exceed 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday <br />through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sundays. He <br />stated the applicant expects to operate within that time frame, and possibly not to those limits. <br />He noted that the applicant does not anticipate being open for business on Sundays during the <br />winter and off-peak months. <br />7N:\DATA\USERS\JOANB\SHARE\MINUTES\CC\ 1999\07-26-99. MIN <br />