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shall approve the text of the summary and determine that it clearly informs <br />the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance, and shall further state <br />that the complete text of the ordinance is on file at the office of the Clerk - <br />Administrator. The publishing of the title and summary shall be deemed to <br />fulfill all legal publication requirements as completely as if the entire <br />ordinance had been published. A copy of the publication shall be attached <br />to and filed with the ordinance for reference. To the extent and in the manner <br />provided by law an ordinance may incorporate by reference a statute of <br />Minnesota, a state administrative rule or a regulation, a code or ordinance or part <br />thereof without publishing the material referred to in full, so long as the <br />complete reference to the item is included. <br />SECTION 2. <br />This ordinance takes effect 90 days after its publication. <br />Read by the City Council of the City of Mounds View this 12th day of <br />August, 2002. <br />Read and adopted by the City Council of the City of Mounds View this <br />26th day of August, 2002. <br />Richard Sonterre, ayor <br />ATTEST <br />(SEAL) <br />Far <br />Motion: Thomas <br />Second: Stigney <br />Sonterre: Aye <br />Stigney: Aye <br />Quick: Aye <br />Marty: Aye <br />Thomas: Aye <br />• <br />Ka hleen F. Miller, City Clerk -Administrator <br />