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ORDINANCE SUMMARY <br />ORDINANCE NO. 788 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL ZONING CODE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />BY AMENDING CHAPTERS 1102 AND 1113 RELATING TO NEIGHBORHOOD <br />MOTOR FUEL STATIONS <br />On May 14, 2007, the Mounds View City Council adopted an ordinance which amends <br />Chapters 1102 and 1113 of the City Zoning Code relating to gas stations. The code <br />previously only defined a "Motor Fuel Station", which were only allowed in B-3 zoning <br />districts. The changes to the City's zoning code were adopted to allow a small existing <br />gas station to become a conforming use on a B-2 zoned parcel. The end result of the <br />changes are that the zoning code now includes a definition fora "neighborhood motor fuel <br />station." This is defined as a gas station with a small number of fuel pumps. The zoning <br />code changes would also allow a neighborhood motor fuel station as a conditional use in a <br />B-2 zoning district. <br />The full and complete text of this ordinance is on file at the office of the Clerk Administrator <br />and is posted in its entirety on the City's website, located at <br />~~ <br />Clerk-Administrator <br />