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Resolution 05-EDA209
City Council
Resolution 05-EDA209
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6/2/2008 3:31:50 PM
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Mounds View EDA August 22, 2005 <br />Regular Meeting Page 19 <br />Mr. McCarty stated the proposed draft contract does not go into those details, which is part of the <br />dissatisfaction of many residents in Mounds View. He suggested the contract lays the entire <br />indemnification requirements entirely on the City. Mr. McCarty read a portion of the <br />indemnification language and stated to him, that is a very strong commitment. He stated that it is <br />fine to say "only to the extent of $200,000," but he would like to see evidence where this body <br />can predispose a court order of over $200,000. He stated that it is a commonsense point of view <br />that until the project is finished for the two years or whatever it is, he doubts that a strong case on <br />behalf of an injured party would allow a limit of $200,000 unless Medtronic will pick up the <br />amount over $200,000. <br />SECOND AMENDMENT MOTION: President Marty/. To amend the third WHEREAS to <br />indicate: "...The EDA has also requested the City Planning Commission to review the plans and <br />did not approve a resolution accordingly, and that the Council schedule a public hearing on the <br />plans upon published notice as required bylaw. <br />Amendment motion died due to lack of a second. <br />Vote on motion as amended: <br />Ayes -4 Nay - 1 (Marty) Motion carried. <br />B. Consideration of EDA Resolution OS-EDA-209, a Resolution Authorizing <br />Payment of Pay-As-You-Go Developer Payment to Red Cent Management, <br />LLC for the Building N Project in Mounds View. <br />Economic Development Coordinator Bachman referenced the packet provided to the <br />Commission and stated he does this report every six months for the Finance Director. He noted <br />two payments were approved for the first part of August to the Silver Lake Point and Midwest <br />Ivy projects. He stated that basically there were additional property taxes paid by Bethlehem <br />Baptist Church. He stated there was acquisition of Building N by the EDC at the end of June <br />2004. They made a payment at the end of the year and applied for property tax exemption that <br />would be effective for 2005. Ramsey County looked at the transactions and determined there <br />was additional lease revenue paid to the new property owner, Bethlehem Baptist Church, by <br />Medtronic Systems and that went on for a number of months. As a result, Ramsey County <br />determined a portion of the building was taxable so payment of $26,667 was made to Ramsey <br />County in May of 2005. <br />Economic Development Coordinator Bachman advised that there was a larger payment last time <br />but that was for the full building. The way the TIF agreement is structured, there is an excluded <br />base so they get $3,066.16. He explained that there will be a follow up payment in the fall of <br />this year for a similar amount. <br />
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