Resolution 9133
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<br />Southeasterly to the intersection of the East line of the West 475 feet and the
<br />South line of the North 193.01 feet of said NE % of the SW %; thence South
<br />parallel with the West line of said NE X of the SW % and to the South line of
<br />the North 365.46 feet thereof; thence West to the point of beginning.
<br />Together with a non-exclusive easement for driveway purposes over and
<br />across the South 31 feet of the North 345.46 feet of the East 115 feet of the
<br />West 475 feet of the NE Y4 of the SW Y of Section 8, Township 30, Range 23,
<br />Ramsey Comity, Minnesota. Together with a non-exclusive easement for
<br />parking purposes over and across the East 10 feet of that part of the NE % of
<br />the SW X of Section 8, Township 30, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota
<br />described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of the West
<br />330feet and the South line of the North 365.46 feet of said NE'/, of the SW %;
<br />thence North parallel with the West line of said NE X of the SW % a distance of
<br />255 feet; thence East parallel with the North line of said NE Y of the SW Y a
<br />distance of 47.07 feet; thence Southeasterly to the intersection of the East line
<br />of the West 475 feet and the South line of the North 193.01 feet of said NE
<br />of the SW Y4; thence South parallel with the West line of sad NE % of the SW X
<br />and to the South line of the 365.46 feet thereof; thence West to the point of
<br />beginning. Together with an easement for utility purposes over, under and
<br />across the South 10 feet of the North 314.46 feet of the East 115 feet of the
<br />West 475 feet of the NE % of the SW'/, of Section 8, Township 30, Range 23,
<br />Ramsey County, Minnesota.
<br />WHEREAS, the properties are zoned PUD Planned Unit Development, and are within the
<br />County Road 10 Corridor Overlay District. The proposed land use is Multi -Family Residential, and is
<br />consistent with approved uses within these districts; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the properties are guided for Mixed Use PUD in the Comprehensive Plan (2008).
<br />The City Council Finds that the Preliminary Plat is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a Preliminary Plat and related plans to the City. These
<br />plans were disseminated by Staff to applicable departments and agencies for comments.
<br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the request, recommending Approval of the
<br />Preliminary Plat at its June 19, 2019 meeting (Resolution 1100-19); and,
<br />WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a dully noticed Public Hearing on June 24, 2019; and,
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mounds View City Council
<br />approves of the Preliminary Plat of Crossroad Pointe, subject to compliance with the following
<br />conditions:
<br />The Developer shall comply with applicable requirements, received from:
<br />Erin Laberee, Ramsey County, Traffic Engineer
<br />(May 7, 2019)
<br />Nick Tomczik, Rice Creek Watershed District, Permit Coordinator
<br />(May 7, 2019)
<br />Jacob Martin, Mounds View, Fire Inspector I
<br />(May 16, 2019)
<br />Nick Henly, Mounds View, Building Official
<br />(May 17, 2019)
<br />Tyler McLeete, Stantec, City Engineer
<br />(May 21, 2019)
<br />Greg Gund, Ramsey County, Survey Technician
<br />(May 29, 2019)
<br />