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<br />I �Yjv rLuaILAI 114I.X'Pi OlAer.4 :hf� va-"ll :ill, t1i i'llifitdilill Rund tj:14V Ill
<br />t-fic- PI'M nr ml�Und�s vtgW TItALJ!�! 1 1
<br />4 11
<br />ThniT, -7i Murtnt:_* Pr-7�.-t tr �-v P I 1�
<br />trial Park No. Y, Ilanise�,, Ccurty, MInn-c-la, flerer!hcd ii� lOng SolzitherN Of
<br />the folloviltip. dlp-mert�1 I inct Cmlimptiving at 1,ht, rorthicntst r—erner of Ict 1.
<br />41 idnotoo CIS a000ndri odst, 41ohA 0- Nv-01;vl-1v vXii-rimign of 1�hv east line of
<br />valk" jilayt I, a d4utance of JOIJ0,10 rett TU, !fit; PE11.1-11 LA bveifflill;e of the 13he to z
<br />7.,_T*�
<br />of jB3.72 jrri,, iliptier, '�-a illriial:V-L I M I Ilk! 1 i; c u n d w v e t a diatamle
<br />T"W palot of Mu,,Aanp Raund !:o �v varatrd t u, 'jtt 1. n and 3* Blork 1, Pm1n4v View
<br />fndtistria� Payk Nu, q, Famrov Minn-VOIA, deprItIt-104 or 171n 1 nertn&1Y
<br />in
<br />15f the. f-11 tow, -40 11111"Irri br-i Ine r at of J;or I
<br />10de I, r.1 mid M.O.L.1-4ti- LtieW' IUJWti"'Wl JiU171,)j 0 dfirp u6n; 41
<br />tillutea 05 me—nd-s eant, along, tht no-therbl- @xronsion of thim eiii-at lit"a of
<br />spAld Lot 1, a diEtmnev ef 30.00 1—t to tilt', FlAli� of brpinninp of tho line Vr-
<br />fiv tltncrlbed; thrnrc iimrth 34 �Vp-rV
<br />" - _rn 113 minljtcz�_ tt �i Ali�Tarlvis of
<br />nj.72 roarl th-mee mouth nu tic -p -pen )7 mititlitz- I wr- t a di
<br />ve -nd a n of
<br />90,00 foot NO tbore tim—ninating.
<br />Block 1, the zouth t_Lu I cvt. -J Lot 3 a diptaticv. ol 11-1140" feet south 0 degreeb
<br />41 fact 05 mrCOWN mqmt (if j.h� wvl�! I Inr- rf ! 1 A Pli�ick- I, and thp anuth �O
<br />fpQt rf 'Lol .1, 1 .1 '11 iI,ihi 4, l.1 Pit ,, i f I 1wri h V"i (N.P.1-ery IH 1111nut"n
<br />' r icnn 1- wor-t ct thl, filxttiv,,�t �,mri. I li*iv �r L,o Pltju�� I U11011 I vill's In.
<br />5 - L Q�
<br />1:1at i Ito r1pri, tc, tlip ('0jilltv
<br />Audi*m, who !-hrm emer div r(ittio It, !& irmli,fill 41JId I)nitP L;;-t)j1 I 1jr
<br />Instrument over his Offlelal ffIgnaturv, the wr-rd�t 'Irnterisd It, the trmnimfer
<br />ror-bl-011, Snid tinti"- nhmll then 1--o ! iled wilh thr !p"nt%p Recorder,
<br />