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OF 11ft, V11 1.A61 ('{1!'W 1!. (tt-' ,1111 <br />,{? <br />chs1nj, in. <br />Mtttlrm 5y1 jLj __:--_meg <br />WHUEA.:, purtivant to Rvici;t.ttr,r, of ti,p Vi r jAge c6unt, t i 6f Moundt View. d. <br />top tC-f" 111 evi„i Asomi-,Ame"tH for the Co st: <br />N n Cuct _icr _;l P.P. <br />w— t! fvit,i d n�_ Lin? --t thr nttachtd i1_ -t ;n-.,1.hud p101, <br />iprtirva, amid )tit made A 17nr.t. hfr0nt <br />Afl6 AOL", Aft r"v mentiemd prnpv t c -e hulvt= trepil conv€,yod i�tI= rerlottvid <br />find Arc desertbed nernrding to !hc ntt,lchvA 11pt•, ,m' wild lirit ; nsie n putt h®tvin, <br />NOW, TfiF:lii rt?itk, ISE IT RXUOI:VLL) DY THE VnJ,AGW COU14CIL of Ibundp View, that <br />the amifemente far Ii,P.x14noetnet tho harotofore t-ntiuned praper wior <br />IM bo nafrevoy cerrtfted fe the Auditnr ,f tur;cr•v C©u:jty feat further rollueLluri :,: lair <br />AmOUnt frafet`t or Fitt' ittached lint, v:is li t tfvL ., f,,it ;•. iv:,r, <br />Seconded by_ NP 1110 p : <br />ftt mTY ny R Amsry <br />V II I AGRE of MOUNIA V 1l W <br />'i Ayr= n <br />It the tlndtrtdigned t1oingtura duly qualified VI.Inge t lrrk of eetd Villegw <br />QD NU941 CUM Tgat I have Cors—fully vmWare4 the attached aftd >torogotng oritract <br />of Mlnutm. of a meourls of the Village CeJu nett of euiC ` i l lag# htid An fir . <br />lv at,�Q0 _P.M. the ortAinal thetenf on ftle to nw nff4eo- <br />:nn Poe Imit ie a zit t, true aid comptr~t€ trAnb:rtpt thei.frotd ineofe-s Ae tho Aeme <br />relAtei to the abanftng t f Ae n#trA4anr^n'" R r,•t r.*.".,'.— - JCr11tt#r u► thw <br />*9nv*yenev of/or reple:ting oil aer'.41n prnpertioo, <br />WrTNA"tiS niv hAO14 .Inti 4rt11 fJ p.ild Vn 1 oRH th:e'_M� + �dAv ef� Deve- tb�... r <br />If ;rt ._ <br />Ud- <br />VilleRe Clvrk, V± IUWe L.f Moundo Vtav <br />t SLAL t <br />