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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF A MU41146 <br />IF 5E1317. '113,1:,(;1; COUNC II, (IF TIM., <br />1' I' LADE OY MOUNDS VIEW "FIV (IN <br />Chanag i n s RAJ 1 n <br />Nation bxt.— Blahc_hard <br />W"i4il purauent to-riva"IULann cis: t►r•} vi ileiic. C,4; it of tlrunds '!!Pit, all- <br />"tvd t1m Stwetul Aesesst*@nt v for the Coostruet- jimi of U'p, <br />, vitt e levied n�l�inst Lila At uch* &,i list <f descrioad prop. <br />Frtiss, said list meds a port hr*®inl <br />Ansi WfAUS; The above mrtiioii" properties haves been 4*nYey*4 bt ropltrstod <br />and ars described iscordint to the attnchad list, and sai-A list m.ide a cart hereint <br />NOW, THMMS, 1E IT MMUD BY T119 VILLACIb COUNCIL of hound* Vt", that <br />the n000miente fAr D.P.117_14 against tha haretafers fentio!teti proftertioe <br />IM taerreei ly certified to theme /air itoor of Raasc CumnLy for further collection in the <br />amcwt .noted nn the ntrat=hsd 14st, said Itar +wads A part heroin, � <br />#SC%We.s by Hod puF <br />cou"Y or RIMOZY <br />Vu4A" for ttAili V itsW <br />4Aveo <br />1, tho undersiprnsd taint the duty qualified Viilnpo Clock of as#d ViliAps <br />00 HAMY GUTIFY MAt 1 heve tMifUl ly ea"aro.t the ttttnt�od t nd taysieitg *Itrt at <br />fit Hilnitli a.7 a mtotina of thr Vit loge Ceuncix of avid Village 61d an R&vjWgCr <br />MW t��.it,1r ST 9!OU I'A Vith the ortifm, :hvroof err file in .y off4va, <br />a01e it A full, true and cmplai►te tramarript thtrc:ftom insafst to the saem <br />rotates to tto chgrairia of the asnoss+aettts for C, � .���:—_,---•• because at the <br />conveyance at/or rrmlAttinp of eortnin nrcpartlrs, <br />tttMSS my nand and sael of Salt! Vit 14110 thio 1i. it oav of ot-yullibc 1' <br />1r <br />ill go Clark, VG#Xv of Mounds View <br />(SKAL ) <br />