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Resolution 0516
City Council
00500 - 00999 (1970-1979)
Resolution 0516
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12/19/2019 7:49:06 AM
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10/16/2019 9:23:58 AM
MV City Council
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A RESOLUTION COVERING PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEES <br />IN TW MAIWPENANCE DEPARTWNT OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />FOR TttE VIAR 1971. <br />The following resolution was moved by Member <br />As follows t <br />i <br />ARTICLE I <br />Seniority <br />Sections 11. A policy of Seniority shall be formulated that; will give <br />permanent employeon with longer porioc,s of service an oppo,.trun ty for <br />promntinn and also give all employaos a f0--ling Of security. <br />Section-2,_ New employees ahall be on a six-month probationary period. <br />14. setup 3. There shall be ai acrniority list established which shall in- <br />ludo. tho Maintenance Department based on their original Ante of hire. <br />Section 4. In the event of lay off due to lack of work, permanent em.- <br />ployoos with the least seniority shall be the first to be laid off, and <br />in the event of rehire, the last employee laid off shall be the first <br />to be rehired. <br />eecti s 5. in the event of a job oponing, the job shall be announced by <br />bu,iletin and the oldest permanent qualifying employee shall be given <br />first opportunity to stop up for promotion. <br />Section 6-. Permanent employees shall not be reduced in psy scale when - <br />mgRianeo work of a lower classification. Employees performing work of <br />a higher: pay classification shah receive the wage scale prevailing for— <br />the higher classification according to tArt:icle VIII, Section 3. <br />gpctson T. *Nlu permanent employee shall be lain off out Of turn on the <br />M. niority list. <br />Section-, B... in the event of discharge, the employee or his reprer'entative <br />shall be entitled to a hearing before therVill,agw Counctil. This hearing <br />must take place within 1.5 (15) workirrt clays after the employee or his <br />representative requests such a hearing. TheVillage Councibbsil take such <br />action as it: may aeom appropriate after hearing and investigating all the <br />farts of the case. if the grievance or controversy is not nettled by <br />direct nagotiation between the parties as provided above, either party <br />may submit the grievatleo or the dispute to the mediation pr3ceas by a <br />petition to the Minnesota B"reatt 0 tSadiation Services, as provided by <br />law. The parties{ shall then attempt t.6, resolve the grievarac.e arta di_a- <br />pute with the agsi,gtance of the Me,4Lator. If- the dispute or contr'o- <br />veray in still not rosolved with t10 asnistanod of she Mediator, either <br />party ohs' 1. 11,1VO tho richt t n invoko the Adj{astment. Panel Procedures, <br />r{s provided under; N+innonota Law. <br />ARTICLE IL <br />Lion 1. ' Ll. <br />tr+ { {nnr<imum of ono hu,tdrod (100) d l. Sir): Iv.% +rtiLi be E12 8t1Gofl rc}?"
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