v;11-,j:, Will o
<br />t t4a. 1.''1, wl t ii 1hr 1..1 1
<br />A IuN V --'(-A I IN't- A VLP,! iuN ut, W.'INALL Kw'I�Lnjm
<br />M. mpjft V I
<br />V111mage Lounott ot, it-it! vv4l mrAl-un det-ni-mintip Thr,{ thp follow'Inp
<br />portion
<br />the dtainage 04810-1111.01% should lip vactilvd, and
<br />WMVP VAS; i —i,i f,, d-d
<br />nutium wam hold on the lith dAV nt Aprl' 1"71 At Which time A gt-nernl diiiieustillon
<br />wailt hold with ObutcLirig prvpvrLy OWnpra, -And
<br />WEMEM., it Ir lit the, bust ilat-v,iaj, if th,f public to Vaci%'.v the
<br />vap,vitivirit v-,
<br />NOW, TjltP"p Ap 1,1, F,f%til
<br />Init exrept thn Went i f 4-t-1. , tht s,,Ijt ji to t, t (,r North 15 f uA of
<br />81 'vh It Ligonlivu Fourth Audlt-luii, o,,v,,tiling ti4 Lhif plcs. iiiiid i0i:
<br />rorord with 0- '4( mhu % Cousit q Rt,gj ttv I I f , I 1. 1 -1 v Pbv vAt atud, al
<br />U I J' MUM KFSOLVFV that thp C1 -- k Att, I propiry and pri oent to
<br />Of prupv IF ; uutA Y of F I :v ir n a litit j; I. if coull, I I- t teen of I hu proeved i nig�x in
<br />t.ccordancr with Minni-BM41 t1LAtLJL,.16 11',19,
<br />milmour joliflatiti hitcorided thu inotton,
<br />thnsti, votimp in "tivuri Ku%t,%d, hvibril, lit,r4glim, I'laltichard, -Inhilp"n
<br />thom@ votinn 4201"ptl Nano!
<br />