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ti!J V"I i' l i;ii'i'. iii: {ij. ::iii.: ' 1-p A'1 i P;', '"i <br />.'3' <br />-.+ its �:l,l <br />Kind, dote, time an(j plauc, of me(=drib: !; <br />fi <br />piiriers Ppe6hr:'t; Rtiktod, rv.=it:vi1:.rtt <br />Me-moara ava"fit; 81,jilChArd a-ld HoJilebi <br />00CIUMOM-19 Att&ahal; <br />+Uflutles of sail Moor.1 tv, (pad -S .► ; <br />the Lr.dtraigned, beit.g the duly quali"ied knd aatiftg r9�gz*e� <br />JASOrt.oar of tho pliblie aorpo?atiun 1sst,;lna the be"NCtr+tefl i� - <br />he ti l+a <br />Of this aertlf"art# oprtiry VwLt the doe"ants ittaah d _. <br />` areEo; a e�$r t sd sbolo, tt&ve t,aen ar Pully compared +i«h tlje. ` - f , <br />Of edam 4erpurai,ldh in my I@rAJ 1-3 at from wht1'i_ thly <br />nava b#,vjj transtribed, t.;At said d-ooumftnts are a correct. anp a lean <br />�, [en'i ript of ttuf-1 j1�ut+�a o1` a maltln of the-gdvarnin bd4y- of said - vorpora crii; abrt eet and cenplst+a ou ini <br />aa or all r4solutions a <br />other .actions taken and or all documenttepappV6V*d by the goverift <br />body Y said aettir , . r>u i"ar ae they r*lata -to sai.A tendal amt that --- <br />said meeting Was duly hold by the governing body at the time and place, <br />A d wary attended throuthout by the member,, indicated above, pursuant <br />to call and notice or such n+eetina given as roquirid by law. <br />WITNg83 my hand Officially as ouch recording officer this - <br />25th day of Augu;t 19 71• ' <br />M - <br />TT ­ <br />D0,11118 zilla,_..Vida a Clerk <br />