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SM <br />At I,,£'c't=1-•;ci r:; L;,.. _'1 j is L. cool i- , ; _` t',r <br />Villa—c of Mww dti Vievi ii t1;3 -n fiv. <br />lr' <br />-._.... •. _ - s.=r-. atry tr­rxxx+,ixa is) •. t;iltx <br />�MiW". i :;A i- 1 3t <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING 1717 rTnTT4T VI1P7TIMENT <br />t17H CINTI , AW) AUTHORTMr, Fill; '4AAYOR AND r~i,ERY - <br />TO zXITUTE SAME <br />tnf V111 -ave € f Mou"da vi € eelaree- its- tontion- - <br />to eantr#.hute to the Ca".unity One, inc., Pr°oposed Youth +rentor, 3 <br />And <br />-- - M AS, Cmwu_ ity On@, 'ne+ by pr itad <br />- the--eatahlish"nt of a center for social, cultaral :and recruat onall <br />- . act,j -tt'es ,of young r sidente of independanr arhmal tli4trict No. F21, -_ <br />- which canton will be kitow.1 as 4 "Teun Center" ani will "to oporalted <br />by the Yc.+ath Sortiea•e: bureau, Irl � <br />WHSWAB d tite Usti of laid aAd bui 1(iings for such youth cen- tar <br />has bay provided by in-dopendent School District NO. 621, and =_ _ <br />-- .. M11MR, tho Youth Services Ournau has obtained sufficient <br />financial support to operates such youth centur accept for the cost of <br />hiring a full time dir€ctorr, and �- <br />- <br />tali , the parties to this Agroamon desire 1 r+ previAcr the '— <br />funis necessary to hire a full time director 'dr ouch youth csntsr, <br />and to establish urns: and aondit:tons to implement such desire, and <br />WHZPXAS, the proposed contribution by the ViilsVe olc t+ ut�di <br />Vies skull not sxceed 8$+400.0u# and <br />