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it KLA tr_i 11i_l1I," <br />t;OUN Y '111' FAMU.Y <br />putfit4tint It- du,, Cm I i and "fit ie'• thi-Vi nt, nn qr;s, ct;ti #;t hF. :-ring by tltt Vi ax,. <br />Counct! of tht' V1 S lAe, of tlttun,l- Xlii:w p;ii l;t 6t t ii t t nK 1#, lti at ilii 11i i last# lkill, <br />un [ iv. 11f11 dit} s�i, Willi } , 1* 12 e.t :tx' t',' , Willi t hF tcz l h -Wins: m. mburd <br />uj,t:l.t ,..,r##tr=: n, i'_'_P,H [- -H1'tti i$[iLU. Ala atr;;a:a <br />llmtm f Kt #glLn.. iii i+3t#u4 tai :it- t;•tiuw:llR t;,: taiuli-#I# all aiiupt- u;7i <br />A AMlti IGH AAWI' MU 49SJ SUM'S TU aFKWai AND WA7a lPlkiJyAl+itl s <br />488986M, THE @ARGBL DRBGdiptla A5 VOLLOWN Attf+17ORS SUBDIYl6lt}N <br />#tib, TNIC WE'H_' 1OB; OF Tfft rAGT .11 4f WT i. <br />k <br />ear 1.atacal .pH feat u 6.00 p&r host 46,48, On <br />tt*ry se r li_,a Feet a +.231 Per fapt �y5t,00_ <br />- <br />-- <br />egg ,tett <br />WMARMS., during th", ammumsment hoar ink ht=ld on thu lith day of Sola€t"limr <br />1M# tlis ilill4jo Gounaitl as t4 Wflolo reviewed all of the prop@rt-'-@A where objections <br />_ tae -PA, le ._4161bal +.. or _in wrifitU. andall ahjzamms ;rolrittw- t-€___rWnff-iW"d <br />l6rdlu#a were emetdavind. <br />�f�r(l WollS by the Vt I lage Counci l of the VU JAgc of <br />394 <br />- l•..Thealfeoial.AaRBMlbliot'Yp ,for ,r t and star. r `18" s-a,eat.e #he --= <br />pafeC iikoavibcA as Ef3ltawst aiidituro Snbdi.vimi$n Qty§, the W 130t of the 9.432'- Uv <br />i 1, ffv hliru4f adopted, slid I; it bt ruby found. and dutermintad rhat; bnid tat, p;.muv <br />avid &FQV1 of prephtty 6., asse6mtd it, benefitted in ells amounts a{ the reapattine <br /># <br />2. Tho aesasaments for thiu b€n6fitted t-rit4t;la lmap Im ua-ldd in aaah► without <br />-- <br />Interest, tf paid within 30 da}tm from bhv dai_v hi-tut,f, vi IpAy 1W pard in twenty (20) <br />agtul, af+nual tnatallaiantx in thf- cam. tilmr and manner at tba payment of raa. aetacm <br />%ghee with ttit.fmlot at the rate of 0% par anrum from clip+ datt. hert-of to baermbor 31 - <br />of the year in which the (lrat lntymtnt itt payable to be added to each subsequent <br />ixue;a t lmane . <br />