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EXTRAC7 Of )aINUTEN OF A H&VTINE, <br />Cr , m vim.A(.L c6juitw , (tF ,it, <br />y!t 6prF !1F '40()NI)S V Orr H ;lb (1,4 <br />Change int I a <br />w"r-'cis ria, Purrus It tis "PROW:lni, Or thLI Vit lape t.ouncit, of ei'vul s +'ick, au= <br />opt:wd_..._:.Li�tc;- , tho Spoeini Ass„sements for the Construction of II,P, <br />were levi.i Against tht! ntta0hted list of desertbiad prop. <br />terties, said list nines— art heeelnt <br />And WMIAN, This above msiEioned- proportiaw have Wen conveyed Ls toplaitted <br />and eve ?!ascribed according to the Attached list. #nil said list shads a pore horaint =_ <br />lW;- g, :T h ULVWD U THE VIU-461% COUNC i e F1cunea Yigw, that <br />thA 44aeaaatanttt forD,g,#�� V, a �- <br />.,�. against the herstafarc ettsnticno . ptaporttas <br />3- <br />be eur+rectiy anrttteed to Fhd ditnr of Hassey Couniq for turthar call,eatton in the <br />esaUnt aEaced on the attoithvd stet, said iivt eiatto 4 part ticrui». <br />Ayhm <br />ODUNTY (A RAMSEY { <br />VtL#.AC11 of 1,A)U Iiia V it l <br />to the imdorsigned being the duly quplifisi rillafe Clank of MeirI VIllaj$w <br />- Dp F *IbY Qn^ yY _116t i 4410tully eompa;md the at`aehod #-d for*g94ng + rslat <br />of mintde 4 d etaetth& of the Villago Council of aatd Vt:laga hrid on�,ltiae - <br />It 1173_et #�i; �l;M, with this origiral thsr:�f on 1-110 in any o7 i' <br />-- - = <br />end-tha ed►nei is amu! 1, Murand ccmph sts transorttpr tuorottAp. jhgef sr astha so <br />alwta+e rn aa� �a�r;i„« she assssnrants tar D.p.t 14 . because at thema = <br />onvey4nce odor replotting of certain properties. <br />Wrm"4 my hand And seal of sold Village thLeftitli day 4t' , <br />h off. <br />e <br />Villnca Clark, Village undo View <br />(ISAL) <br />