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it I."ol. (Tt It M tt <br />FX'FRACT OF MINUTES OF A tiLET Itis: <br />UW T"r, V iLLAGL COU14(' 11. OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF HOUNDS VIEW 11HA) 04 <br />chance int u.1'.# <br />Mutton by.,. <br />trl1R AS, oursunnt to Knis+lutton at Ghu Village GOuneil of Neun4s Vias, ad- <br />opted <br />d• <br />o ted },,,,i3 , tht Special Aaast�smon.ts for the Construction of P. <br />p Win•. F <br />- 1 were lev.od rigaift*4 thO attached list Gt d[sorit J prcpn <br />ertiea, maid list made a kart herein: <br />And WKEAS, The nhove mentioned proportira hevp horn ovr+vayad or raplatted <br />and Are duscr#bad according to the attached list, and said list rjtlds a part heroin. <br />NOW, T14911FON6, BE IT RliKLV9D DY TTL Vi1.LACZ COUNCIL of hounds View, that <br />the assessments for D.P.# iii against the heratefort mentioned properties <br />be correctly cortifiad to the Auditor of Ramsey Country for further collection in the <br />a&&Wt -stated- of tire-arta;hid lint,. maid 1 -tat taade a pith herein. - <br />Seconded by i' a,` 5 <br />hM Of RAM EY - <br />V f1.1.Aw)t OF MQtINTA V 199 <br />It the vndersignad beift the dilly 4uAlified Villaifk Clerk at maid Village <br />DO # RY UATIVY Tilat t have easefully compstad the sti,,..,et1 and fl;r*A* np. exfirart - <br />of Minutes of t. meic;np of the V'1iatt` Courcuil of saki Vil-Inn heli~ ov „e <br />. _-�aIt ?.M. with this original thereof an file in -z alias, <br />MW the some is i Tull, true end. Complete Lva"script tltereft+re tltso(et at, thr stuns <br />valtitiR -td this thanoitg of the nestsviints rep 0. k.0 *1'1 because of the <br />*,wPoyanto after raplatting of ecrt•.tn prnpertiea, <br />MItTll $ my bend at ,d rt'*ll of :Aid Vit hags this d ,�+ or{ i +,a - <br />Village lar.,111ap.e a nes law <br />(SEAL) <br />