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V j -1 v, '11't II I <br />, t !." - i I ! : ! <br />v J it, I —ht Wit If itis I tt I I <br />tit u 11t,1 I:-j I I N V'j 4 1 ;i I i I I I a v f I i I I),: I <br />Pit-.111h;1 VI t Ili i Aji I iji i 1 -1-1 -, I Id 1!11 -t-tj i L r; jit-t'llt <br />A 11 V;0 I-UT ION 41A)Vi*RN'G ASf-"V:iN1kll1j4JS FUlt hLW!"K, 'W� i*H, 4IKEF11 AND <br />91 (A I NA F'K. i )i J '-C) S JQ A - A AN 0 1 ;'J t R)k 1111 ;4U G14 M 411:'s:° I N I A 1. <br />Pa-V AND kR) (,A, !:slullt- No, <br />a LiUL Slig LiIL: L1hhk-'b9*/1HLi1L 14.:" i"11tk 11, 1 11 111ki UO V 4 t L 4 11 1 Y <br />19/-j' thl- villapil Coutivil ali a Whill- --d-w-cl nil if il- pr,,liv fi,r wht-rr <br />jak'ftl v'-1AtnI 1v ,r in writ ing, -nd till objvel: ionreletivi, <br />tU bglittiii. and Lormulu wwi,. u,maidw-sud, <br />NOW, '11114161"URE, IE IT RESOLVED by Llja V111jigg Council of Lhr Villdvv of <br />MoundF View, Minhi-mota an fL3IIjwh.- <br />1. Thr special au--me--mbnts- for Sowur, Waitpr, Drainago and Street. <br />Imonva-mant Project 1972-3 And PD73-2 nr@ huroby aimpted, and ft to hershy <br />found and detarminaid that said to., ptince AM parcel ot propeWl.ty 40 aisessad <br />to bC-nvfItLvd In 01v Mutltil.s; or Lne A11*4101411000 1,iMod against it, <br />2. Thv n-4#ivt-xmvnt* Ur i-bo IturvfItted ptirculo l�y be paid in cash, <br />Withuut inturcet, if paid within, 30 days from July Wj, 1973, or ma,, be paid <br />In twell-tv (20) uqual, annual Itilittillavr4a In thv onino timo And f.ifinnter as th". <br />payment of real estate LIXem with inLereal. at thv rAtV of tt.%' pvr annum ;from <br />July 73, 1973 to Or-cmber 31 nt the: }liar in wlilefi thu firlit payment 1# itayaWa <br />tit be added tri each subsequent filfitfillr0rhL. <br />3, Tho Clark to boroby Authisrixt-d mind directed to cerl-Ify it c py of th" <br />fibautimoviiLft mid is uopy of Lhih 1:uiol.1.1t.tun U) Lhu LoUnLy Auditor of Ummey <br />Lourity to but extended on the proper LAX IiALM Ut the Cuuntiv for culloctson with <br />