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l;:y t.,, i , „i,i. r utitt itf •it <br />tilt I iw11,P fill,! i: � i,.. i:, <br />y!iU (...c ls-Ilti4J;tt. }iif... _ ... t.'.. <br />7elWit-i ic:i j71� i+(t <br />iiiiYt--ij Cf,1 l.rNjft?� <br />A REWILLtTIoN p!q* p..lzlmv. -rill: !_Yi sig Milt.! t'tikltKu AGKY.'_.` ;i N'; <br />riiiii, ^,istiryl tart: sdltlNtetrttIV!. As'itP.h.tit:Ea, JO N'I hil'=.':NY'90TA AS <br />RATE K3sULAI IRY lii3r'Jti)'t, Atilt' DYSICNATIPC `i'#11 CLE'i;K•ADMlN1S.ITAf(.!ii <br />Its' VIR r4ull <br />l�lil7llsHS. t #„ Vi I (tt tit Nt•aitds tcw Mid uUILIV Giutii�ilaitic� llayitl� <br />$ii# iierviEr t'.r'itn Nurt.hurn sLiiLns Irtta,:i; dude. IL detiJI-iilile and in the buflit <br />intcrpal at Lht itir its c'! tli;= VI I iart <br />of Hounds Vi uw and Otk;., partt. <br />- - - e#fit#iTu cramm�nit;ns trs _srai,=lls?i ., tvee Tt:::c K��u1;31. �• -t = t _- <br />tfHMFAS, tihr Joint Pnwfrti AHrourntl=tnt which Ie att4chiid here LL, sLipulalos - <br />that A diruLLui tuuot 1,r, gHyui11Li_#d uv 0- 4uunrlt nt imrlicihating munict- _ <br />miitioo t nd ftoiii Rx staff; _ <br />NOW, ThStRilIv, BE I 4 ULVF.D as [killtws: <br />i. Phi Mayor and c1vti,-Admimt*LraLnr are hurehy nuchori.zed Arid <br />litecl .! '.it ti{ cut" 0,1 tit:t,ult ti+ thv V1 It lit' of lilnunds (flow r: Joint Powers <br />ApreemeA t..{4W.,%ahinH : Joint Minnu-sOLa Ofta kate. irpuiatiry Board, a copy <br />ut which to aUnched herslci and ittindc a part ht Leval:, — <br />¢. ThAt Lhst Clrtk.AdministraL;ir Imo: appottited tie thr dirt vtor - <br />representing the V11lnmi: of Mounds View. <br />F� r <br />l'iiilii#iv i- # 1/111LL" i, ttL_'r h1•L'111tdod (h, rt.prtl u inti. <br />,it Ccivuli li,-fgtn, tiiidl,tiF, it{Iumttiriiii°r, !iiiitinl,ii aiid Iic•kar <br />Thust? Yount aua ltii,l ! N-11 ., <br />