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F.t -, , ..-,:., - , -r .,,, .--r ,.,:t . -, { ., , ! t— I I ..., !!t<- i.'1 ), <br />cad` Dr NovGnbGL 1­�1 ! :�!! 1! 17{7 ril: it :'S. 1,.,"' �,. t -1:t: !7 1 lam— )).^.11 1ornted <br />a* &1401 §.Highway 10, M o undR V_Pw, M4,I,;Paota, L,5i's_21 ; n1 td, tI,v rC!11oWir,q <br />IiF,1101AITION VACIi'i'.iNG CrRTAIN L1'kS M1,.`,4T. 1'0 <br />P'tWIT THE CONSTRiiCTION OF THE ANCHOR INN <br />WHERL'As, pursuant to Minneaotm Ht=.�utas 412,RS] th"r <br />Council upon, receipt of a petition to vacate- a drainage easeT,iernt <br />S foot of the North 231 feet of .thz weseet 330 f"t of the <br />Northeast Quart€,r of they Southeast Quarter of Section S, ToWnlh-ip : <br />30, Range 33, and they North 6 font of -he Soukth 13: fent of the N -,)i h <br />-3W. t of thr. Wwst 3133 fact of tho Northeast Quarter �f the -_ -- <br />#rt#i Df: Se;et ifjA 81 TVAP. -304 RAMS Al v V AW.0- i= <br />ttdi. Vier, R ay Countyl state of Kinnesota, 0413 petit an e fi+1 <br />- --T <br />i:y- a imiarfty e! -the iLwners of I -arid utti-nsaid-stye ,- and,.-. <br />V,71ZA8, a hearing wan hold pre ande d by -two Asth's ct �- <br />�3ii�lrlhsd "d posted notl,ee;_ `at which- tir8 -thaTs WA +mY-ZP 1=iv1v _ = <br />-A-;-aaid-_V atiemi;, .and - <br />WHzmfi # said hearing was kala on mu 'nth say or vataaa� <br />1973 at 81310 olclack P.M. in the Mounds Viaw Villages Hall, <br />NOW, TNnRRFBRH HH IT RESOLVED that the eaaoftnts <br />datdtibn- d above are hereby vacated and <br />BE IT FURTHER RVOOLVEO that the Clerk shall prepare and <br />and f", <br />fn1 low. -Iii u <br />in-m),"ris <br />nhti - hf i m+iti' <br />IiF,1101AITION VACIi'i'.iNG CrRTAIN L1'kS M1,.`,4T. 1'0 <br />P'tWIT THE CONSTRiiCTION OF THE ANCHOR INN <br />WHERL'As, pursuant to Minneaotm Ht=.�utas 412,RS] th"r <br />Council upon, receipt of a petition to vacate- a drainage easeT,iernt <br />S foot of the North 231 feet of .thz weseet 330 f"t of the <br />Northeast Quart€,r of they Southeast Quarter of Section S, ToWnlh-ip : <br />30, Range 33, and they North 6 font of -he Soukth 13: fent of the N -,)i h <br />-3W. t of thr. Wwst 3133 fact of tho Northeast Quarter �f the -_ -- <br />#rt#i Df: Se;et ifjA 81 TVAP. -304 RAMS Al v V AW.0- i= <br />ttdi. Vier, R ay Countyl state of Kinnesota, 0413 petit an e fi+1 <br />- --T <br />i:y- a imiarfty e! -the iLwners of I -arid utti-nsaid-stye ,- and,.-. <br />V,71ZA8, a hearing wan hold pre ande d by -two Asth's ct �- <br />�3ii�lrlhsd "d posted notl,ee;_ `at which- tir8 -thaTs WA +mY-ZP 1=iv1v _ = <br />-A-;-aaid-_V atiemi;, .and - <br />WHzmfi # said hearing was kala on mu 'nth say or vataaa� <br />1973 at 81310 olclack P.M. in the Mounds Viaw Villages Hall, <br />NOW, TNnRRFBRH HH IT RESOLVED that the eaaoftnts <br />datdtibn- d above are hereby vacated and <br />BE IT FURTHER RVOOLVEO that the Clerk shall prepare and <br />