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A 3 r ;-1001111- „- ;s <br />Pur;jUtint t} du r v t i .;rid rift ire I I,vv ,+ i , a i>Irn4, iffif lion ri'IV by ` }iv <br />City roul}r9) 1f the "3PV "I M"tintill view. Mlitnnaitiat was hold at the <br />ciuy 1}ial1, ir. the :::9rd dii_, ui upt'.1-1u . :`iia Nt H,411 P.M, u(th tier following <br />„i sea err- € s a uo7 4e" WIfic-p*i It i,t+stareIII ; k.4— F iia:ir.wnrf r:er <br />M"ar Nolka'ri introduced the following revolat;ion acid moved its adeptiont <br />,A P.180.U'i ION ADL)PTINC ASSESSMENTS MR S'PRh%T IMPPOVEM11"OT PRO.Ti uT 19.3-6- <br />FOR <br />4HRlitliR, during the nvoaset cont h -l- sin iiel.d on the Arid dau !of 9#0 tiri, <br />1"4, the rRy Courril ae a wh6le rovle tl all of the properties where <br />4-Jectiont were retest! 1-arball% or iti wrtttnp, anti all objection" relative <br />to benefit and formula wase tonsidervd. <br />--- <br />titlWt THRRSMZ# A IT IMSOLVEd by the City Council or the city at <br />— - <br />Me"Je vt#WJ M3tit alote to Intl@ is# <br />T- <br />Th#-Ap"ial Assessmentfit lar Street_ TmpravornenE Project- 141".6 dirt+ <br />- <br />-h* �Eb)r-id,j'tedj- and It--t3-hn-ouy fmtxitl *M Ar-toW- 14tl <br />r <br />-- luvi j&fttl- of froptrm 0i.Aai4ili"s-ad to fraiivritted in ehe..�ngttnlss -��Hitt _. <br />x <br />�� <br />l±Ya'dCCft�.�Ya/ElAtill�! �er� eRallllft if.. <br />1h#=&#a##A# i�-1x tlie. l;4n0fLited parcelo may- bo _piid' i GAsht <br />j <br />aithvut tntereatt if Paid vi thin 30 days trt,;ii Septt}dasq tat 1974# or tuy be <br />tati an &I Inst#llmonts in the 11AM ettt�a SMltenn@)V is tate <br />g <br />- <br />- payment W real estate tatielF with 1ni.vrest at tlin rite of -111% -P*Y MWnUf f -r - <br />g <br />---__ <br />aeptembae -13 IM to-Ou"bor it of tha pilar in whirb the first payment ii <br />-- .. <br />payable to be added to each subsequent iitetallmant. <br />_- <br />9. The Clark is hereby suthgrised and directed to certify to copy of the <br />a -_ <br />aeReaaients and a copy Af this reifvltttian to the eaunty Auditor Of t aiisay <br />- <br />county -tu be extandod on the tirnpo r tin lista of tLL, Cvuncy for collection with <br />__ <br />