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imlf=: :it-.- t II ViiI" 1 fit 'r")"l.Sr:t.'t: 1 `if' ! r71 I r.'quit, Y , -- o I l t:31 <br />ie,,, if;.t ... , ES <br />PTROJECT 1974--1 <br />lady i'1' iijf i -S7 -A L. LY i=UWi UlI UI LII,- L.1 Ly WL ITIU L1iU.g <br />WOW, Minnguotd' <br />•f ibo Ccui%c'41 `(l tlf findA ati' " <br />Tzanafer Corporation did petition: this C-6WlCi1 LO ccnetruct Ltorit, <br />Saws -r T1nj%rrveniFnt= Prr�jq�t_C I q 7 —1 3nA fF ,%gn€r f hn r;r-,t t ett ... .-`,it, of <br />sal d improve.TentC agal lst: the property ut Slmi h' e- I'la,iotuk Corpora itiii j <br />that on dug x t 19, <br />74, t=hin Council approved the final plans <br />anA specifications and ordered the advartisermnt for bids for said <br />i:mproviemn t . <br />2. The Council hereby finds and determines that said peti- <br />i:lon- is ache uatej thitt .SrUth'. 'ire sEc Corporation as the FU -1V3 <br />e owner Qf all real property abuttinu Capon aiiy street nal(wd an th& <br />location of said improvemintl that smithts Transfer Corpnrati.on in <br />that pxoyerty owner nensfitt€d by said j_ mprovemintr and that Smith's <br />7' Ve=ts Zorporation is to by "&eased for the ontirn cost of *Aid <br />� = is�s't►�nt. <br />c <br />- � -T-his Col aLl hersby orders ofiid- 4f;f'.�. <br />p��e:-t; - - <br />i-- - - 4 <br />The-ratrr fvr-ttts advpti:on crf the tor+sitt-f _ . <br />iii#; - #i 4"Y sgeond d Aie:.dw4s Hadvat iwd upou wt&.. . - -- <br />-. :. <br />t-Aken thereon, the fallowina voted in favor thereaft <br />erg-Nefun and iivaci!men Nodg .- Jf)hnstm and-Pirkar ...... <br />t tiN i + mild agai nen the sane t Nona - <br />a <br />�. --- -Am dr.a said- ssolut,'..on Wits dude rd (vly 'paaaad .and ad pto - - 1 <br />E- <br />