<br />F- = i -i -.
<br />f
<br />V4 Jf 0 1, i {.y j
<br />11 4-1 -F"i: o.wiary to
<br />jjilcorta'in ;,rid fin,,�. hl -' y (�hflj�;J' 'J 1- 'Ar -JA cir.r L
<br />0--- re d t hv�4 con F, t r Uction o f
<br />City of 'FlowiiU Vi@;4 hitt 'wjov-�! T�- -
<br />P ra i e, �t r, 11111 A 197-4-6 nm(l 11-174-1 plirr'll-Int en public hear -
<br />awl nears thn:rnnf or pmt- i iron an rorliflrod by law, nn(i has
<br />nwft-dol tr wi I l m-nlrd rn7tr,,zt- Ti fmitheir cm-mitructi on, th;,L the
<br />total benufits reaultIng fic—i amid imp.-cmamonto to the anresa4le
<br />-lota, P-41mr-a3 and pa-rceig of lund AffachiA tharr-_�'/ A14 to "-,a Ci-ty
<br />at 1.-r(jo W111 L;: in LXZw,.,. L'14%v C6;;L of r.Uzh
<br />iMp,toVSVWnLS) thAt purnukuit to tabs proVigiona Of Hinn@*Ota StAtUtoof
<br />MiAH-v%r 474, thin Cnunf.-il by ronnIxition OtOly._n -!opt d 0 C tob 9 10,
<br />%. r 0 r
<br />IM, authorized the irloukrince of V385,600 Tompornry Impro!vrement
<br />SOnds, dated (),�-toher It 1972# due and payable October �1. 19751 that
<br />the ammuht cif mna nutim—s-A 1-a bn n1n n. di i n
<br />Improve -ant Bond Funil of the City and availab
<br />j 10 for the payment of
<br />xUa 1972 TO-Mlara^ im-rrcivament UonjU 40 of Ootabor .1, IM, will
<br />--bq- #17 f %v)-, f,,h 4jinunt-_ Stl-,400 is rrquired for thoPaymont,
<br />(if inteZovt cominry dL,% cn said boi-15 on f-
<br />t�eir waurityl that in
<br />arder to pay the cont of constructi.nq said ;'MPrbvL1m*ntz and ref-and-
<br />inq said Wripo;.&ry irr)rT1vo:-.i4;ne bow'a, this Coiltic,11 han A"nld
<br />$1 500,"00 ImproveMent 'Randa if 19174 i th:.t xntd 15ont6a xhoOJ4 br
<br />and ars her by made ptillmll-slo froln flin 1-Trovement Bond Rodemption
<br />Fund of 04 City, In 4*C-Qr,.'dW1"' WJ111 UAA PVjVA1UiQ11U 01' OZdi.lAnc-a
<br />No. 611 of thr City, ndopted on tiny 1060, r.nd nhall be nocurod
<br />by all covenants and eaverned byall th- torma and provisions u
<br />e
<br />forth in said orldinar-on, and that all Avtn, PonditAr-no And thing#
<br />required Ly tho Co'nr1'-1Jtutk;n iind Iti-wo wL' thu li)t.-tu of Minnenota
<br />to ba dons, to exist, to happen and to be perforrad ptaliminary to
<br />tiro insuan"Q And nnit of Yin t, bondus to providu rioneyR to puny for
<br />said improvomanta hnvo been riono, do vxjt4t, have hilponned find have
<br />been parfnrmod in due fora, tAmo and mnnnnr as Po ruquir@d.
<br />2. nild honln nhall I-,,, datnil 'Novorihor 1, 1974, nhall he
<br />nun-berad noriAlly from I to 3s6 , inclual.vu , rach in tht- donomination
<br />-3-
<br />