F '1 1 1-. t fit 1 t- - - -
<br />Rj 1, L
<br />h f M M. I it
<br />t j I j;-,, I -� tlf�' Y
<br />�j [VI
<br />wtiiwk�, on, May 14i, it,,- t w w
<br />by it t cirnAdr, , fi nd
<br />WH[PLAS. "hi -s tur,jado �rodu�;rij n t, r i 'I i) f kj( I, proportions I-hrit, tht.
<br />os-. i s bince - j meny ortprin i za t i oiva st it -m it-, --o 11idivi-mi% 10% 111.1 v%%aly
<br />tO ifi011f:t! .11 ' 11'_( 01-V thL IfCil_m of to locatc oi.d aJcwunt
<br />f --r �ci_Nnn =n trx-�r M thr. Inifired , to
<br />,hpitpr And Nud thu ipany humclus.% rt --idents, to prottlLt the perstinhi
<br />a -
<br />6'ffiLts fif trif
<br />c s , �nij ti�, ru.rt:jj-f, �,rlor to thut City, anil
<br />liftle
<br />WHEREEAS. rildny o! those vol; ereL; trci,
<br />worked lona and arluou� holirs 1 11 pniir weather ane trying conditions, and
<br />WHEREAS. without this absibtance the ri��idont, of Mounds View woold have
<br />suffered much gtenter discomfort. diSlocdtiun and loss flont the tornado,
<br />NOW THERECORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Mounds View
<br />in banalf of 0] the resiaents of the City does hvreby exprest its deepest
<br />appreciation for the efforts of all those who Yolunteored their time,
<br />sarvices, support, and facilities durinq 0is diseaster, and
<br />nMA WOLVID, that A copy of this rtsol,ution be sent to each of the
<br />(ollowinot, Citizens jand 11nited, Sperry Uhivnit, Trondale High School,
<br />Seventh nay- Auventists. sold Matai-Noverages-ii-Ramsey County Sheriff,_
<br />Civil Defense Ynitj Engineer, Food Stamp Office and Board of Commissioners,
<br />Mift"aisou Hi4wy patrol, Salvation Army, American Red 6ross, National
<br />auard-,-Mmundl -view Civil Defense Unit and Snowmbi'e Club, the Launching
<br />Pad Unity Hospital and Ambulance, U.S. DepartimoL ut Aoulfultut-*. AV -der,
<br />-Hili-s-Pol im, -Blaine Police and Buildin
<br />_g inspector. Coon Rapidt Pollca
<br />-MWAMPM 4itdatom- fire end Lake- John"# N -partments. PAPIa"
<br />Aeserve,,, Now Ariahton fire. Police and 0-1sairves. North-st.- -Paul
<br />f4"'-polAte goal Ctvil Defainie, Rosev"101 Police OW reserve$, St. PwA
<br />Inte.edtlin �W_ C1 vil - 0-01inse * 'St -f- L kk- * 76K
<br />ollo fnd � Ffre, WOW" a e
<br />t "a, - _ Ce n jon.
<br />Pei to, Wh I a - LAia - F! re*, 0611 aid Rose evei I isan Ut v-
<br />Omrpor- a 0*4priflo skis Park Moundt A View- rife
<br />ftdtrsori,�41 Mounds Ilia�,
<br />4_2 Depai two t., Mounds V1 ow Heal th 61 r i irer Herimpt Stra i t. M.
<br />--Pal fa *nd PWI ir Wks.
<br />AND NOTHER RESOLVED, that the many unidentitied individuals and tone
<br />-organizati-ans- which w -y- have- been- overleak-ed above meri t the Counci I Is
<br />highest praise for contributing so selflessly in the City's hour of need.
<br />27tl dal- of May. 1975.
<br />ATTIST:
<br />Dona I d Hodgem, Act Itilt Mayor
<br />(SEAL)
<br />rator
<br />J
<br />