<br />ff�>�
<br />ref i•r :'. i. Y'h,�� „n
<br />I .
<br />A rrqul Ar rnrer lr,t .,1 k„}pi,l,, 1�i.',i t , t ,1 i :,,rn, : , rr., , � , !-t.4 , . 1
<br />Mawr .?(-hn,ttin c,i, Sept#Irrtbrr a, i % _, at .. _ . ; t,. ':'t. II.,
<br />11844, ddul trighWey iii, Nt."i,.'t,---
<br />t rui;ant li.tv,rr dnhn�t,.r, 1, r E., i', t , ,:, k • Adm. A,N-11
<br />f,=true'!
<br />t-uj`i:,imMt. lr rt t+t4J,.1 ("rr -
<br />e„ur,cllrran �l,ri�ui�t
<br />ASP ikhe}qui«t Nauta Artfietrj tr, .st,l,et=tra "f, 1411 tt•y v!
<br />With the ftillttlwitlq varre€:tion1;. ravo it at tt.'r t t„
<br />Malin,, +7 vttnft+n re€onver'- d the revill ar C r -(7 tip t t itt.] t �tsr attrr
<br />the eetjvne AV*r �{'hngr-n r€ctPnV reed thi, rvgw ..t L,.ar it !{}[,,tiny.
<br />Pape Y. paragraph i, the isat sentence eht,uld N-1 �tir,hye,i to reAd -
<br />overhrad to he charged to the 'ICtinsttuc"Or” rand. P -14e 9, couti ilAmn
<br />sauw4artner's Report, third iraravrAi:l, el,t.uttf road tfs.ir ,t rrriimirtar"
<br />ltftt vperatjrtp budget has 1 -fin prcpArvd hu 1h=uu Hrya,it .ui.i is itAdy r,ut
<br />CounetlmAn Baumgartner kas nt,t presented it to counrll Utti, Naye !i.
<br />the Wtion should be changed to read "proposed lv%t, l.akohidy lark
<br />Bv-MRisdit3N hu.40et.
<br />The Mounds View Park and Reereatiot, trltet:tvr, Mr. Wug tryAnt wAs in
<br />attett#anVy to rtjibateh the award pf##"!,Atron fair tl, rev ntly held
<br />nam -a -park contest and for ttu v,l.P. 1voilinteur'a it) the karA+r)
<br />prvrtrafw, "#a rmwttuhity ,+ark along Silvvr take Mood and County Riad
<br />Ill trio without a naso and the Park and OvereAtion tiummiatiaOn decided
<br />(lu ip,-t:aor a conteirt lot .-r inity Youth to rlsAy to giving the park
<br />a new. Mr. lryant reported that there were ol,or 4''0 fiartjcipAnta,
<br />nl'a llrsE place winners. and five runner upd, t'h6 title ►+dnnt:r v”
<br />*511tjurviW. Mst)t3r Jahtseit pr eanit>4t A trartllicaty of Award slid a
<br />live **)lar gift v@rtiflaate to each of thu nine t i est pjat;-, w'nner.i
<br />anti a st'eifivatte if award alit, a two e;t;"lar et, it aerriJivate to tho
<br />fixe runnier ups. He sisu prvorantud *viols tie �7ut;+r d:.91' i1ur, Mary
<br />Pa-lstlt' anal Dam Neyks fur their vnlunreer work this past suwwr in
<br />sei,JN".jon with she Falk And Roc�rct}t lnn WPArtmwnt'.t stimwr p' ygroun.l
<br />prvram±,
<br />Mayor Johnson :.n behalf of the res%.fonts tat :laurels tictw Aad the cj►:v
<br />Ce3unejo
<br />i thanked each and eVerijotil: f the par`it?pat,tR fn ths(r
<br />e4nirtibutiatt to thea park anpf rrt'e,,►t inn proyram and [tit their intcrcat
<br />in the City.
<br />NSF 1,j hnson 6aumyArtnrr' r.t .umpt, ttrsttiurinn No, ,.Fico ,tfi171a1jV 11ilmintr
<br />the new pant "811vvrvttaw raw"unito vaik",
<br />Mr. Rohert Waite spoke on l,ptt-ilr of thr iffinndi v,t'tr it+tuff's tt,tti,rst
<br />for a speeial uriv perm!t to vp-ioft° a t,:<t',l +rte t!t'.t in,.tA. f at thtt
<br />1,aunt.-hlnyl Pad parking tat fin ut;tlaus.
<br />4 Agus
<br />i
<br />}!
<br />1 - -
<br />4 'W&;s
<br />