I.l. �r_rf +i l{rid.; ril� °.rf ,-�`,'-�•- - ..,., r.. r, ,. , -.'! .. ...
<br />i
<br />! p :T l - 1 7! :+ 1 I i i ! i- ir, +\i•!7:+
<br />Will ;'t',..:
<br />[ , t i1,
<br />w}l REAL, f un An :i, r, :i%,:i i .:ii'it, .:ITtiiit:}] ` nv } . .. .Y: i }li ct};La :7
<br />vi €`#
<br />Adniatrt.iui. fL3r t;.t , i t.}:f f ;rt +,: i, iii -=t Andfl,rsi dt v i v € q giit1
<br />Vttl EREt'ii- , 'Aho City LJ {`*tt°i-irid'q• V i tsw in Oft: s i lilt}, of far i nil a ilii
<br />t hl traffic: iu**vtrox die:Vic s on -trec t-, and roariip, '_iild—ar eta
<br />juri1dilitir.n tit(- r'fnro!`(±lf3loo Willi `inl i{:ij.31 t[ndard-';
<br />l4f.) , =irFiErun,
<br />i1? 1t is heveb; agre< d that the Cilty w;li conp'!( with the
<br />conditions stat forth in the Project Or- cripticin and will roiswve,
<br />r€,(�les lttatall ep-gglAtory and warring nique ne-cesuary
<br />to comply with NatioT,al standards triUTD) as doterminod
<br />throeh an inventory of inpiaee signs and d purvey of neaded
<br />additional �".,C11 remo at , roplAinamant, or installation
<br />€o donO' V -y Lei City on�all Otreete and made under its
<br />juxi ;,tie., ar- tit :l:l --d L a{,. " "77,
<br />i'
<br />(4) The Rate of Minnetsota, Department of Highways, will r
<br />review the-- l� -dorsa :and certify. to: the Ftedor>al N4hway Adr*Ai= _-
<br />- stratiop satisfactory corplati on for reimbursement from Available
<br />Federal Highway Safhty Fill+ria f^r pini: ^f *b^coct
<br />Project Dexcription and the witimate of costs 11,3n-parcrnt --
<br />-- _ ...(10 1 cif the project cost *hall he pard by the City ftim la-rals -
<br />,gib linly_ -td-.i he...w4rk done ott the nen-Fedisral-Ait-. —.
<br />,._ Pardon of the street and read system by January 1, 1977, Thel -
<br />-
<br />�si m int:_ tet= els -sh ;..;Lia. i d to -
<br />ateftrdsi i riels commcnl-y T 8z4 by th t�i�. ota_ -
<br />aiw
<br />- M The -O ty a as -to mainto in al I -such-Agn--1 nnt�&I_ latia"
<br />.. , O 4p msec "A" ocvvrx._q 1'oUral l)apavtmant; of Trans?artativin -
<br />to an intdgrAl part of this hgreemant anis is to be complied with _
<br />by the city.-Minnavota- Stat 4tos_181,S_9 _Ar4 -here 0- oorPated -
<br />- In this Agr!*Ment. by re€oranco. -
<br />-- lsds i 4i. 1► i3 26t1}.."y uf. -July. 4976...
<br />ISBA )
<br />E -- t hereby r.t-triify that the foronoing Resolution is a trns and carrsct
<br />1 W copy of a resolution pi'}sonted to and adopted by the Council at the
<br />City of Mounds View, Mb, - at a duly authorisid mtaetina thereof held--
<br />on
<br />eld--on the 36th day of July, 19761 as shown by the minutes of said
<br />oaaession _
<br />i8��
<br />