At ri Ilii��T.1Ctr' i>r il.r ilii: ; i i-• tt,c i it ;� i'
<br />fi ." i:,;# . '.`iriC ti, ,, : 1ii,. i :i iliiy or
<br />it zwj ,Hilt', if if 1.1106' l' it?, ti>i.mtic inil
<br />.,.... ...� a .- . 7- ....., .: •. � „ �
<br />P'li MMA the City Lit •oliii4it
<br />r 1 ho. iii'l It -;I %iii.iiiv—]; ,Ii i`F iilntjonsl. kfwpivE tit'
<br />which htivt been Mod k tii tilt- isil„=t)r:,,;i.ii> if-ri.-lcr of Bettis ana Registrnr M
<br />Titles, and
<br />ifii'KhAR, flit} it€t9"tt€3 gt3},3lki a:,; If ii Ft-i`It i`ti'ir:,eil L' the Utt4' 1'I ming Conmission
<br />And the plrttinp aulliurity, .1-1d
<br />MICHAS, # pt#hlic lic,7riiii, wa-- tic -lit jjii.)c:.•li li,'r' lt.£ pLatitir.. tit:ii:iirit1` iii: the
<br />Il»y of au►r t i{'t[ puf tmnt to notice of the tine and
<br />place thereof-iiifr Ph WAr. (-uh) j'tlti j i ii+'c Ili € i, .irf it i.{1 i r :`,j.•1{,t=i at Ivast tip dayF
<br />before €, a date of said licarin:g_ i=in,i
<br />tfifEREAth, nil perrmna interosted in the stilitliLiiiinn were Ileard at the ,afrreAal!
<br />public hearing antl the platting iIutll,)rlty tiii-'•;'Cult€r did a-ppi'ury rile fiu-bl vition,
<br />WIW'[9� t7T-rnUii i nt' Tr ;;w.r,:�y'•'�ri% Fila :- 6ii►i bu, o m l,;& - uii u a
<br />f a Alauwli sal
<br />IIWMLE! AT- at Addition ._ , -in herelly appi'ra od fol rocurdlits ;T1111)
<br />IZU 4VJ iif the dste of t s roso a -t an.
<br />U Ii FURTRR il;lAULViili that €he f'o llraing enntlitims iihall nppiy to said Subdi-
<br />vision
<br />- ---pllRMikAtMIIVEB- fit_ it rt-rti €ice et of thin r-riolUTiOn Shill a� -
<br />Me subdivision r#f#rr” to herein. _
<br />L
<br />lar seconded the resolution,
<br />— -T1618 vating in fivort Couneilrie:-ai+err,: nodition, &autngnrtner, howley, and
<br />None
<br />fi;t tip0 dacidted this reeaiut on dilly adopted this 111h day of -...
<br />lar - dmijUstr var ®® -
<br />...-.-- CORTIPICATION t
<br />I, HAK4 Achon _ , Glarit-Administrator of title City of Mounds View,
<br />hereby certify t a[ fRo FMI,l RaGolutlon No, 756 in a true and correct copy of
<br />a ^^$solution adopted the day and year referred to Oerein,
<br />C A1` -, pl ; A�tAttir �-------
<br />(6RAt)
<br />