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1"; i;.C, Nks, <br />ITY I + M( x! IM.-ia V 11 W <br />t "A,wj -1 tip jjpqn;�rjy <br />STATE LIF M1NNF-;bQTA <br />kr-StiI.Ill It j". MFC I Ak I NiC IN ITNA I (I 1111-i W11- AN I N I I I! A WFA <br />WHEREAE.the Jubtice gvatet�i linprover.,.Lnt Act (JISIA) renuthorizell Lind <br />restructures the Fadvral assimtance program to State ano ined) P.ovWrnm@ntP !or <br />urtrAnal Justice 1mprwvmentnt and <br />WHYRUS, urder the JFJA formu , �a grantc, are puthorlsed to State and <br />lueal 00voramOoto to iarty .1tat pvutfvfiffi� tif j,F"VV0 "r liktilv ffFfevtjV@"*#ia to <br />IfilpfuVISIL& 4-1jimill"I ali6 luvat:1111t: jUh(.1L.. <br />WHIMAS, lormpr unit" of local ltonrral Movrrnmunt. intaloding vomiii- <br />..VlotloM, *To *14401a to ror-Pive a sportfle portion of Part 1) mantes and to <br />not priorities far the uso of those funds based an their analvais of their <br />---crtme mW criminal justice prohle-ma, and <br />WHERMS, jurio4irtiont, v'Jigible nntl elevtIng t1i opply for such grantm <br />are -tAnmed area*-,- and <br />Wfi%KMN# *L#AtU* 04 RD "Milt LL INVIOUL, iffed dildel: 014 JhIA M14110 kfl) <br />.1i ­Jfjiij�, 0 dii lop U dVViji­sLA,.1.j <br />MipTituant an;uaomy over tan uic of thond -run-da, am! (e) respona-1,ilitiv to <br />t-L"t Va"ifewMts of laditral 4#d- Atato law nad ravulatteryt, ard <br />1WHIROA8 a Cunitination of local govelaimintil quiUlfy am an onc tionart- <br />area if it ties r total Populativ-3 ot )VU000 ppr"orn and would receive at a <br />stain" .$50,000 In Part D fund#4 and <br />ININCRIAS. thu City of St. Paul, Hamacy Cuuoty and sinv or all of ths <br />of Hamany Count%in rombination qualify 4# an <br />Mlement 4r&41 sod <br />le VIty Pf Mnqndl VieW J5 rpm <br />Attod to -onritinitted crimi"Al <br />justice planning afforts to Idertify problems, to Pot Prlorftioo,�And to <br />4"olep-Crudriiij jildtice system improvement programs, <br />