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Resolution 1209
City Council
01000 - 01499 (1979 -1982)
Resolution 1209
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Last modified
10/30/2019 9:19:35 AM
Creation date
10/30/2019 9:19:35 AM
MV City Council
City Council Document Type
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5 h I j li"t 1 ij;1 I I ;'I'l t'- fe I ill- Al l )I a I -I d t 1 <br />o rk - It t r a r o I, iI j x i4o o 1 1) 4 a ife I,, n ill. i,,;j I t r <br />t <br />C I It il n t. I I <br />nut)V a-itz ially t lio for;n rort, hi in Cx.�i !bit- A att.aclifid <br />such other certirications, docujitu-nts or <br />bond cound"I or cuiun�7t-1 For th,, 1,(7ndr!r --hall requirf-, <br />GUbj&Ot to th& apprqvA1 of th& C-ity Attorn^y, and -1i <br />tOW-.i1r. and roproi:onf-at- ion,; t1jornin niiall <br />conistitutp thm certificate!:, reclitals and reprocrintations <br />of tho MunAlcipa-lit-Y. zxpcut jon rJ 1 -tiny instrul-Hont or <br />document by ono or inorm, appiolit iato officaors of too <br />Municipality wiall crjm=t11-u#v, anil .9111all tw dea-mad tilp <br />Conclusivo nvidence (-)f, t -lir: approval imid authotilation U -y <br />tho Municipality and the City Council of t..e instrument or <br />documont so oxoctit&d. In tho absonce ur disability of Lho <br />Mayor, any of trin documonta aithorizRd by this rraolution <br />to bo executed, shall No oxecuted by tho actin;j Mayor, and <br />in the absence of the City Clack -Administrator, by such <br />,mffic*r of the Municipality woo, in the opinion of the <br />City Attarn,my, may ox#cuto such documonts. <br />_S*ct 1 On so I r h Nt two <br />Sol. thgjilod AMOgnt of Nots. T30 Noth shall <br />be- 4_41811 - subst tip kly -in the forin forth- kin - Rslviibit A <br />- -0 L <br />attached horieto und Mad, a p6ft h@r@of, With Such <br />-Apreopriate va'.iiat, lonst OMiSfiiiand 3Ad ins8rtiOns Az a. 4 <br />or E*quired ��y thIs ros-olution, ir- tht-. A&Aimum <br />-principal amount of $i3Q,OPO, The Laims of L�hp Hot;e isto <br />Sett forth *in AShibit, A -attached- heretai *and! -suctv Lwir-Swil <br />Inaluding bit not 11initisid to Interodt r&tL%t* dates and <br />tmouAt of paymort 0 princJpal and interest and prepayment <br />PVLVLleoao# are incorporated by roUranco herein. <br />5 2. The Hot@ shall be oxnaut*d on behalf of <br />t4 Municipality by the signaturea of tho Mayor and the <br />City-4ork-Adminiatrator, and nhall be soalad witti its <br />corporate zoal. In cina any officer whose signature ahall <br />appear on toih Noto shall coasA to oo such officer before <br />Llit- d,-Jivory Lj�ert-ut# touvit toignatures shali nevorthoipes <br />be valid an -1 sufficient. fot all purposoal. <br />5.3. Mutilatod t anJ Dostr <br />umaaa=-�- -2., �od No�toii In case thiq <br />Not" ch-a-1-1--b-m-camo mutilated or Lin dontroyed or loatt thm <br />Unicipalit,y shall cause to be nxncutad and delivered 4 <br />now Note of liko outstinding principal amount. and tr-nor in <br />-4- <br />
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