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f <br />v urstian -1 "o 1jui, to 1 i ariki not 'I Lc� 1-11(if-vo I, �1 rct iti 1 a r t C' t i <br />o u n r I I v f t h v C i t v C) f Mo t j P, d i fj;�4 4 r., r, V W ditly .11 jx(4 <br />4 hij 1 1 <br />iq the councl 1 ( h0-116 Pr" in %.0 d rhe- 'Ith Id Y r. f 1 W ollf� I ii P4 r, <br />7, 30 11, M, <br />Meflibe r -1 1,)(-1 r t h 'hu fid'i'Winq wp��Ujliltjovl <br />atid mmed it� odopt;un: <br />A WSOUITION IfVYIN(i A IAY I (W iA i 1 N01 IF N f 1, J I L I T 10"Plif <br />OV E R A GUN r '; E I a <br />G jiv' I <br />'WNURLAS, the �i ty Coonr I! hat% reviewed all property to which thtirt <br />1c. a doliquent utility chdrge; and <br />WHEREAS. it has beer determinod each affvrted property i& rtsponsible <br />for each charge the owner has incurred; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, OF IT RESOLVED that thft Council of the City of <br />Mounds View hereby authorizes and directs the City tler� to ctertify to the <br />Auditor of Ramsey County the attached list of wflinquent charges. said list <br />made & part herein, fur certification against the tax levy of said property <br />(weri-foe -the year 19779, collectible 16 1198D. and Whicli 111ist'ng 4itl(idt-7 A r-4 <br />admihittritive fif Of tive pirLeii;, (5' - 'j, 'IjjLv(qjt shall bc figured at the rate <br />0 f -Uht t #It <br />PF: a 9 Percon on the total aiaount for one year. Total amount to be <br />he matloa for adoptinn of t,.e foregoiag reulution wits duly seroaded by <br />M@mWr Hodges and upon a vote being taken, 6e followinig <br />mi.ters' ayTr thir—rval,. 4 <br />udgvs, fo"lund, McCarty, Ziebarth <br />And the following membors voted against some: Nono <br />whernup'on said resolution wis d�rlitr�d pnsed and adoptdd th,s 9th day of <br />October 1979, <br />ATTEST! <br />(SEAL) <br />