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At a re-qu I G r mvet -11 m-, n ' Vi. r 1 1� Y I I 'Tie a oi i tii�; f o I h f1my <br />o f December , I 97Q. a I- I : 30 n' nc 1. j,, in, 1 rl flic r I ty 11,11 1 Wi t.1-1 f <br />following tiwnthwr�. prosent <br />Mnmher for- lwnrl fl,nv-i thw fril lt,witm rr-ol 0 ion � <br />A Rf S-MAIT !01' ABAT I IK TOT', CINI IE 11 Y PROP[RTY <br />WHEREAS, thc City (ounci 1 ha% detuIrminud that al 1 taxp% ant] <br />assessments levil ed a9A 1 nst the fol lowl n(, rivs( r I hud property in the L, i ty <br />of Mounds ViPW Allould fie ioiitod� <br />Propertv identi f ica t ion - 13W-0u/U6- JUU-Fj4 <br />That part of the South 633 feet of thp Northeast <br />quarter of ejection 7, Township 30, Range 23, which <br />lies West of the test 1495 feet thpreo, <br />NOW, ThEREroiz-., LiE IT RB0iVfD that all to"; ar,4 issp <br />,evied ajOnst the above doscribod propert� be and hereby Are Abated for <br />the year 1.975 and are to ramain off the tax <br />The City Aoministrttor-rIerk -�al! 1�1.tLW'th a <br />U it -1 trinkmit a certifi d <br />duplicatn of this rasolution 6-6f, C;unty 'Auditor for abatemient. <br />The mation for the Adoption of -the fziregoinq resolution w&s dqly <br />stcandtd by P-mb@r 14gg2tj and upon a vote btjnr taken, '-�e following r.o%j1hart <br />voted ih favor tho-eor,. <br />and the follow nq memburi voted Aq <br />the samej <br />whereupon the Mayor doclav*d the r*#Olutlon duly adopted this 101:6 day <br />of Decambert 1979. <br />Yor <br />Clark tralor <br />I *-r4elor <br />