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Parliamentary Motions Guide Based on Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (10th Edition) The motions below are listed in order of precedence. Any motion can be introduced if it is higher on the chart than the pending motion. YOU WANT TO: YOU SAY: INTERRUPT? 2ND? DEBATE? AMEND? VOTE? §21 Close meeting I move to adjourn No Yes No No Majority §20 Take break I move to recess for No Yes No Yes Majority §19 Register complaint I rise to a question of privilege Yes No No No None §18 Make follow agenda I call for the orders of the day Yes No No No None §17 Lay aside temporarily I move to lay the question on the table No Yes No No Majority §16 Close debate I move the previous question No Yes No No 2/3 §15 Limit or extend debate I move that debate be limited to ... No Yes No Yes 2/3 §14 Postpone to a certain time I move to postpone the motion to ... No Yes Yes Yes Majority §13 Refer to committee I move to refer the motion to … No Yes Yes Yes Majority §12 Modify wording of motion I move to amend the motion by ... No Yes Yes Yes Majority §11 Kill main motion I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely No Yes Yes No Majority §10 Bring business before assembly (a main motion) I move that [or "to"] ... No Yes Yes Yes Majority Jim Slaughter, Certified Professional Parliamentarian-Teacher & Professional Registered Parliamentarian 336/378-1899(W) 336/378-1850(F) P.O. Box 41027, Greensboro 27404 web site: Side 1