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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />6:30 P.M. I MARCH 22, 2018 1 MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING Minutes <br />1. CALL TO ORDER 6:35 <br />2. ROLL CALL: Arel, Kroeger, Kunz, Rundle, <br />Staff: Peterson I YMCA: Thomas <br />3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA motion Arel 2nd Kroeger pass 4-0 <br />4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 22, 2018 — Tabled till next month. <br />5. PUBLIC INPUT — Gary Meehlhause said the city is accepting nominations for Citizen of <br />the Year. <br />6. STAFF REPORTS <br />A. YMCA — Programs are going well as are signups for Summer Sports. Summer Parks <br />Program will be one 8 week morning session. Bands for Music in the Park are TBD. John <br />suggested the "Dirty Shorts Band". <br />B. Public Works / Forestry — Looking at some possible improvements at the Community <br />Center. <br />7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. City Hall Park — Continue vision / planning — Suggest this be our main focus on the next <br />parks tour. <br />8. NEW BUSINESS: <br />A. Coach of the year selections — After discussion, Coach 1 was nomiatied by Rundle, 2nd <br />by Arel, passed 4-0. <br />B. Consider Holding Special Parks, Recreation and Forestry Commission Meeting, Tuesday <br />April 3, at 7:00pm. Purpose to review bids for Greenfield and Groveland Tennis Courts. — Bid <br />opening is expected to be the morning of April 2th. If can schedule a special meeting to <br />review the bid, we can get it the results to City Council at their next meeting rather than <br />waiting until our next regular scheduled meeting, which would put a delay in the entire <br />project. It was decided we would hold the special meeting. <br />C. Review Park Improvement Plan Budget: Park Dedication Fund Balance John said we will <br />need to more closely review our Parks Improvement Plan as the Tennis Courts will wipe <br />out most of our current budget. <br />D. Arbor Day / Earth Day Celebration Plans: Planting trees on Friday April 27tn and Park clean <br />up on Saturday April 28tn, 2018 — Arel suggested Greenfield Park for cleanup. <br />9. COMMISSIONER REPORTS — Cindy had email a mention that the Irondale <br />Knightcrawlers Robotics are going to the World Championships in Detroit. <br />ADJOURNMENT — 7:15pm Motion Rundle 2nd Arel <br />