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2002-11-13 Finance Dir Memo to Commission re Section 7.06 City Charter Budget Provisions
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2002-11-13 Finance Dir Memo to Commission re Section 7.06 City Charter Budget Provisions
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Memorandum <br />To: Jonathan Thomas, Charter Commission Chair <br />From: Charles Hansen, Finance Director <br />CC: Kathleen Miller, City Administrator <br />Item Title/Subject: Budget Provisions in the City Charter <br />Date of Report: November 13, 2002 <br /> <br />Section 7.06 of the City Charter contains the sentence: “The Council shall adopt the <br />budget by a resolution that shall set forth the total for each budgeted fund and each <br />department with such segregation as to objects and purposes of expenditure as the <br />Council deems necessary for purposes of budget control.” One of the ways this <br />sentence is significant is that it sets what is known as the level of budgetary control. <br /> <br />The sentence is slightly ambiguous, but I think most people would read it as <br />establishing the level of budgetary control on the object level. <br /> <br />Understanding this requires some knowledge of accounting terms. Pertinent terms <br />include fund, department, character, and object. <br /> <br />A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts that are <br />segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or demonstrating <br />compliance with legal restrictions. For instance, the Water Utility Fund records money <br />collected from water utility fees and demonstrates that those monies were spent on the <br />operation of the water utility system. <br /> <br />A department is an organizational unit set up within a fund to perform a specific service. <br />For instance, Police is a department within the General Fund. A fund may have one or <br />more departments. <br /> <br />Character is a major subdivision of expenditures within a fund or department. Examples <br />include: personnel costs, supplies, contractual services, capital outlay, debt service, and <br />transfers. <br /> <br />Objects are more detailed descriptions of expenditures within character groupings. <br />There may be several objects describing specific insurance or pension costs within <br />personnel; several objects describing types of supplies; separate objects for principal <br />and interest within debt service, etc. <br /> <br />The budget is currently prepared, and will continue to be prepared with extensive detail <br />down to the object level. This is not a problem. <br /> <br />The problem arises in trying to enforce budgetary control on the object level during the <br />year. Departments prepare their budget requests in the summer of one year for <br />moneys to be expended during the succeeding calendar year. So some expenditures <br />will happen eighteen months after the request was made. <br />
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