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ORDINANCE NO. 972 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1200, CHAPTERS 1201, 1202,1203, AND 1205 OF <br />THE MOUNDS VIEW CITY CODE RELATING TO LAND SUBDIVISIONS <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Mounds View hereby amends Title 1200, Chapter <br />1201, Section 1201.03 of the Mounds View Municipal Code by adding the double -underlined <br />material and deleting the stern material as follows: <br />Subd. 4. FINAL PLAT: The final map, drawing or chart on which the subdivider's plan of <br />subdivision is presented to the Council for approval and which, if approved, will be <br />submitted to the County Register- of eeds or Registfar of T Ramsey_ County_ <br />Recorder's Office or the Ramsey County Examiner of Titles. <br />tbd. 8. MAjOR SUBWISION: A subdivision of a peel of par -cels -of propet4y in h, k <br />fnefe than one additional pareel or lot is efeated of m4ieh is two (2) aer-es of largef in si--. <br />Sttbd. 11. MINOR SUBDIVISION: Tsubdivision of a -par -Eel of par -eels of propet4y less than <br />two () is11ienomoret11oneadditionalpar -eel lot 4 ,7 <br />Subd. 17. PRELIMINARY PLAT: The preliminary map, drawing or chart indicating the <br />proposed layout of a major subdivision to be submitted to the Council for its consideration. <br />Subd. 22. SUBDIVISION: The division of a parcel(s) of land into two (2) or more lots or parcels. <br />The term includes re -subdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the <br />process of subdividing or to the land subdivided. Any change in property lines ,,e <br />necessitates City approval before deeds 1, filed t the Register- f' Deeds #` rr .0 d a` <br />constitutes a subdivision. <br />Subd. XX. OUTLOT° Any parcel of land designated as an outlot on any plat in the City. Outlots <br />are used to designate land that is part of the subdivision but is to be final platted into lots <br />and blocks at a later date or land that is to be used for a specific purpose as designated in <br />a development agreement or other agreement between the City and the subdivider. Private <br />structures are not permitted to be built on outlots <br />SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Mounds View hereby amends Title 1200, Chapter <br />1201, Section 1201.04 of the Mounds View Municipal Code by adding the double -underlined <br />material and deleting the smoke material as follows: <br />1201.04: ENFORCEMENT OF PROVISIONS: Unless approved as provided herein, no <br />630665v2MU210-54