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Ordinance 816
City Council
Ordinance 816
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Last modified
1/28/2025 2:22:54 PM
Creation date
1/26/2009 9:07:13 AM
MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Commission Doc Number (Ord & Res)
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Resolution/Ordinance Number
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Subd. 5. Revocation: A license may be terminated and renewal thereof may be denied by the <br />Council for violations of this Chapter or other applicable ordinances. (1988 Code §34.06) <br />(Ord. 679, 5-8-06) <br />1008.08: MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES: Premises on which ground signs are located <br />shall be maintained free of weeds and debris, and where landscaping was part of the original sign <br />permit, such landscaping shall be maintained in the manner provided in such permit. (1988 Code <br />§39.12) (Ord. 679, 5-29-01) <br />1008.81 SIGN MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS: <br />Subd. 1. All owners and property managers shall keep si ng sin good condition gild repair and free <br />from peeliil~paint, rust, danlaged or rotted support, framework or other materials, broken or <br />missing faces or missing letters. When an~an becomes insecure, in danger of falling, or is <br />otherwise deemed unsafe or a nuisance by a Cit~pector, or if any sign shall have been <br />unlawfully installed, erected or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of tlvs <br />Section and Chapter, the owner or fine using such sign shall, upon written notice by the City <br />Inspector, make such sign conform to the provisions of this Section and Chapter or shall <br />remove the sign within ten (l0~ys. If the sign owner, user or responsible party has not <br />cor•ected such violation within ten (10) days, the Cit.~pector may remove or cause such <br />sign to be removed at the expense of the ov~mer or user of the sign. <br />Subd. 2. Obsolete Si n~Co~y: The owner or user of an~property or sign that has any sign cop t <br />no loner advertises or identities a use conducted on the property on which the sign is <br />located must cover or remove the siQ:,n copy within thirty (30) days after written noti~tication <br />from the Cit~pector. The City considers such a sign to be a nuisance sign. <br />Subd. 3. The owner or user of any structure from which they have moved or removed a sign shall <br />repair andlor paint the shucture with colors and materials to match the existin~~ background. <br />Subd. 4. Sign Permit Not Required: Activities considered to be normal maintenance and repair <br />shall not require a sign or building permit from the City. Such activities shall include <br />replacing oi• repairing Ianlps, ballasts, transfomlers, trim, sign fasteners, nuts or washers; <br />painting the pole or suPpoi•ts of ti•eestai~ding signs; and Raintin~ the cabinet of the <br />tceestandinp; signs or buildings si~~ns. <br />Subd. 5. Sign Permit Required: For any siPn that initially required a permit, the City requires a <br />permit for all of the following additional activities (the City does not consider such activities <br />as normal maintenance): <br />Refacing a sign, except for the text on a manual changeable message sign. <br />b. Removin tg he sign for the repair of the cabinet or an~part thereof. <br />c. Changes made to a sign's size, illumination or electrical service, including, but not <br />limited to, height, width, weight, area, adding or removing illumination. <br />Page 13 <br />
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