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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />6:30 P.M. | JANUARY 28, 2010 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING AGENDA <br /> <br />1. CALL TO ORDER at 6:36 PM <br />2. ROLL CALL: Kunz, Palm, Kroeger, Arel, Long, Aukee, Peterson | Staff: Dazenski, DeBar <br />3. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS <br />A. Oath of Office for Commissioners Kroeger and Peterson <br />4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve agenda by Palm, 2nd by Long. Motion <br />Passed 7-0 <br />5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. December 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve minutes by Kunz, 2nd by Long. <br />Motion Passed 7-0 <br />6. PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full <br />name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. No Residents Present <br />7. YMCA UPDATE <br />A. Program Updates: Registration for Summer Park Program with payment plan for weekly <br />bank withdrawals. Teen Center successful. The kids are bringing their friends. The kids in <br />attendance show a need to be there. April 17th MVCC Open House. Adult Softball <br />registrations still open. New marketing strategy with Save on Everything Magazine. <br />Purchasing mailing lists from Pinewood and Sunnyside Elementary so program notices can <br />be sent out. Ice rinks going well. Shut down a few dates due to weather. <br />B. Volunteer Coach-of-the-Year: Sent notice to area organizations for nominations <br />C. 2010 Music-in-the-Park Update: Working on setting up bands. Tier system set up for fund <br />raising. Businesses can choose their level of commitment on the tier. Concerts Third <br />Thursday of June, July, August, 2010 at City Hall Park. <br />D. Concern of cost for field reservations based on block of time of 55-minutes. Where did the <br />last statement come from? “For purposes of the fees below, a time block is considered 55- <br />minutes.” Need a date of the latest draft for MV Athletic Field Fees. Do we change the time <br />block and/or the fee? Motion by Peterson to change the time block from 55-minutes to <br />4 hours in the field fee schedule. 2nd by Long. Motion passed 6-1. <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Discuss/Recommend Revised Policy Establishing Priority for Use of City Athletic Fields <br /> Add “Reservation” for prioritizing. <br /> Motion to approve ammended policy by Palm, 2nd by Kunz. Motion Passed 7-0 <br /> <br />B. Discuss Lambert Park Building Replacement/Other Park Amenities <br /> Could move field to the east 10-15 feet. Could move both baselines in 10-15 feet. Aukee <br /> to arrange cut-outs and develop new layout options for amenities for March <br /> meeting. Consider water drainage, building location, future playground layout, off-street <br /> parking, basketball court, picnic tables/benches. <br /> <br /> <br />C. Review Financial Reports (Park Dedication Fund, BBC): Review Quarterly.