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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />6:30 P.M. | APRIL 23, 2015 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />1. CALL TO ORDER at 6:35 PM <br /> <br />2. ROLL CALL: <br />Commissioners: Arel, Aukee, Katovich, Kroeger, Kunz, Long, Palm, Rundle, Roste <br /> Staff: Peterson | YMCA: Danielson <br />3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Palm, 2nd by Long. Motion Passed 7-0 <br />4. SPECAIL BUSINESS <br />A. Update on Ramsey County Parks & Recreation by Jon Oyanagi - Director of Parks and <br />Recreation for Ramsey County: Working on County-wide trailway system, ADA <br />accessibility, and indoor ice arena refrigerant systems, TCAAP/Rice Creek Commons <br />master plan. <br /> How do we connect our current trailway system with the Ramsey County plans? The <br /> County will accept the city plans at various stages including current and proposed trailway <br /> systems. Concerns were put forth by the Commission about the trailway system break on <br /> County Road J. Mr. Oyanagi says that is something he can look into and work with the city <br /> on addressing this gap. <br />5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. March 23, 2015: Motion to approve by Rundle, 2nd by Kroeger. Motion Passed 7-0. <br />6. PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full <br />name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. No residents present. <br />7. STAFF REPORTS <br />A. YMCA: See attached report. Summer Power program at 125% from last year, projecting <br />increased revenue from last year. Teen Leaders Rally at Camp St. Croix with other YMCA <br />programs. AOA programming still growing including Wii bowling. Event Center rentals <br />increased, park building and gym rentals slight increase from last year. Field rentals full. <br />Teams are asking about pitching in money to provide nets in outfield at Silverview ball field <br />to decrease opportunity of balls hitting homes. In past we had reports of baseballs being hit <br />from the outfield, rather than softballs from home plate and causing damage to homes. <br />Currently there is a 12’ fence with trees on a berm. Can pass along damage claims to the <br />City for insurance claim. <br />Direct Staff to investigate the cost of adding netting to field #2. <br />Someone came forward with a proposal to help develop the dugouts at Greenfield Park. <br />Encourage resident to come to a future meeting to share ideas. <br />Saturday, April 25th 8:30 Lions Waffle Breakfast, Community Fair at 10:00 <br />Maintenance issues with Fitness Center equipment due to increased usage. YMCA needs <br />to find options for repair. Looking to expand fitness center and add more equipment. <br /> <br />