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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />6:30 P.M. | AUGUST 27, 2015 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />1. CALL TO ORDER at 6:34 PM <br /> <br />2. ROLL CALL: <br />Commissioners: Arel, Aukee, Katovich, Kroeger, Kunz, Long, Palm, Rundle, Roste <br /> Staff: Erickson, Peterson | YMCA: Danielson <br />3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve agenda by Palm, 2nd by Kroeger. Motion <br />Passed 7-0 <br />4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. July 23, 2015: Motion to approve minutes by Long, 2nd by Arel. Motion Passed 7-0 <br />5. PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full <br />name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. NO RESIDENTS PRESENT. <br />6. STAFF REPORTS <br />A. YMCA: See attached report. Older age children in Squirts have low enrollment. Difficult to <br />get full teams. 2 Flag Football teams in primary grades set for fall. New program: “Youth in <br />Government” through YMCA gathering children from all over state to do delegations, <br />propose bills, and run a mock government in January. Program starting at Irondale High <br />School. Park building rentals are growing, gym rentals also up. Looking at Music-in-the- <br />Park the same evening as Movie-in-the-Park to keep attendance up and make an evening <br />of it. Question about allowing hockey associations to use rinks for practice. Depending upon <br />whether or not it’s during scheduled open ice time, we are willing to allow the same <br />opportunities as field rentals for ball fields. Volleyball at Silverview Park is heavily used <br />regularly. Should make groups aware of City Hall court as well. <br />B. Public Works: A company that rented Silverview Park building also had tents set up around <br />ball fields, driving in outfield, inflatables, and were taking up the entire park. We need to <br />consider charging for renting the whole park. This would include City Staff being able to <br />mark sprinkler heads and electrical so that tent stakes aren’t endangering property, etc. We <br />need to make clear that renting a park building is just that, not the entire park. And add a <br />policy and fee for renting the entire park. Direct Staff to investigate how to word a policy. <br />See attached report for updates. Forestry letters have been sent out for elm and oak trees <br />that need to be addressed, and ash tree removal letters will be sent out in September. <br />Still working on easement issues for Silverview Park trailway. <br />7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Continue review of Groveland Park 2015 Improvements – update. Communicate any <br />changes we will make that are using BBC funding, to BBC (e.g. instead of rubber flooring <br />for skating, we would put in carpeting), so they know we are still making improvements to <br />the dedicated park, only repurposing the funds. <br />B. Hillview Hockey Rink – continue discussion of layout, rink light repairs. Staff suggests <br />leaving boards, remove asphalt, put in aglime. Suggestion to increase length of rink to the <br />west, roughly to line up with the east side of building. Pleasure rink could be the width of the <br />building to the north and along the north side of the existing rink. May have to move one