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MOUNDS VIEW PLANNING COMMISSION <br />RESOLUTION 1114-20 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING A VARIANCE TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM <br />30 -FEET TO 20 -FEET FOR A PARKING LOT, LOCATED AT <br />5500 QUINCY STREET (PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) <br />(PLANNING CASE VR2020-001) <br />WHEREAS, the applicant; Chris Ghormley of Anderson -Johnson Associates, representing <br />property owner; Mounds View Independent School District 621, is requesting approval of a Variance to <br />reduce the south side yard setback from 30' to 20', to accommodate an expansion of a parking lot on <br />property located at 5500 Quincy Street, legally described as: <br />PID: 08-30-23-11-0025 <br />The North one-fourth of the West one-half of the East one-half of the Northeast quarter <br />of Section 8, Township 30, Range 23. Subject to a highway easement made by Lawrence <br />Toner to the County of Ramsey, dated January 14, 1939, recorded August I, 1939, in <br />1034 of Deeds, Page 333, which conveys, for highway purposes, free and clear of all <br />encumbrances, the following Real Estate in Ramsey County, Minnesota; The Northerly <br />33 feet of the Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 30, Range <br />23 West, except the East 265 feet. EXCEPT (Per Final Certificate Document No, <br />537396) All that port of the following described tract: The north quarter of the west half <br />of the east half of the northeast quarter (N % W '/2 E '/z NE 1/4) of section 8, township 30 <br />north, range 23 west, being Registered Land Certificate of Title No. 139863; which lies <br />northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at the point of termination of <br />Line A, described below; thence run southerly of right angles with said Line A for 33 <br />feet; thence run southeasterly to a point distant 70 feet southwesterly (measured at right <br />angles) from a point on said Line A, distant 317.99 feet easterly of its point of <br />termination; thence run southeasterly and parallel with said Line A for I00 feet and there <br />terminating; Line A. From a point on the north line of section 9, township 30 north, range <br />23 west, distant 81.49 feet east of the northwest corner thereof, run southerly at an angle <br />of 89°18'10" with said north section line (measured from east to south) for 36.48 feet to <br />the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an angle of <br />90000' for 170.72 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 2°00' curve (delta angle 5°38'43") <br />for 282.26 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for 149.14 feet; thence deflect to the left <br />on a 2"00' curve (delta angle 5°00') for 250 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for <br />215.87 feet and there terminating. <br />WHEREAS, the City Code, Section 1104.0 1, Subd 4(c)(1)(b)(ii) requires that, within the R-1 <br />Single -Family Residential district, non-residential uses more than 2.5 acres in size, and abutting property <br />in a residential district, shall have a 30' setback from the common property line, for parking areas; and, <br />