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M:\Administration\Economic Development\EDA\Staff Reports\2021\9.27.21\DOCSOPEN-#748238-v2-Amendment 3 (FINAL 2021) to CEE Loan Origination Agreement - Mounds <br />View.DOC 9/22/2021 DOCSOPEN\MU205\13\748238.v2-9/20/21 <br />AMENDMENT 3 to the LOAN ORIGINATION AGREEMENT <br />Between <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY in and for the CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />And <br />CENTER FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT <br />City of Mounds View Loan Program <br />The Agreement made the 1st day of January, 2018 by and between the Economic Development <br />Authority in and for the CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW, with offices at 2401 Mounds View Blvd, <br />Mounds View, MN 55112, (the “Authority”), and CENTER FOR ENERGY AND <br />ENVIRONMENT, with its offices at 212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 560, Minneapolis, Minnesota <br />55401 (“CEE”) is hereby amended. <br />1.Services/Scope of Work of the agreement shall read: <br />1.1 CEE shall, as directed by the Authority, develop and deliver the City of Mounds <br />View Loan Programs (hereinafter the “Program”) which are more fully described in <br />Exhibit A3, attached hereto. All activities delivered under the Program shall be <br />coordinated with the Authority’s designated representative, who shall be the Finance <br />Director or the Assistant City Administrator. <br />2.Compensation of the agreement shall read: <br />2.1 The Authority shall compensate CEE for services provided under this Agreement <br />according to the following schedule and more fully described in Exhibit B3 attached <br />hereto: <br />Loan Origination Fee for all Residential Loans $750 <br />Loan Origination Fee for all Commercial Loans $1050 <br />Annual Administration Fee $2,500 <br />Post Installation Inspection Fee $100 <br />Amendment 2 One Time Set-Up Fee $1,500 <br />Amendment 3 One Time Set Up Fee $500 <br />The Annual Administration Fee shall be payable on January 1st of each year the contract <br />is active. <br />5. Term and Termination of the agreement shall read: <br />5.1 Unless earlier terminated as provided in the following paragraphs, this Agreement <br />shall become effective on October 1, 2021 and continue through December 31, 2022. <br />All other sections of the contract shall remain as written in the original and amended agreements.