<br />Special Revenue Funds 2022 Budgets
<br />Combining Statement of Revenues and Expenditures
<br />and Net Changes in Fund Balances
<br />Cable Community Lakeside Recycling TIF TIF Total
<br />TV Forfeiture EDA Center Park Grant District #5 District #6 2022 2021
<br />Revenues:
<br />Taxes 116,000 100,000 - 1,829,694 81,491 2,127,185 2,085,711
<br />Intergovernmental:
<br />County grants 31,539 31,539 31,539
<br />Other local govt. 23,000 - - 23,000 23,000
<br />Charges for services:
<br />Culture and recreation 421,000 421,000 330,100
<br />Miscellaneous:
<br />Fines 2,000 2,000 2,000
<br />Investment income 300 25 1,500 200 2,025 2,025
<br />Other 500 500 500
<br />Total revenues 116,000 2,000 100,000 421,300 23,525 31,539 1,831,194 81,691 2,607,249 2,474,875
<br />Expenditures:
<br />Public safety
<br />Supplies 4,200 4,200 7,900
<br />Contractual services 500 500 500
<br />Sanitation
<br />Personal services 16,334 16,334 14,908
<br />Supplies 500 500 500
<br />Contractual services 14,705 14,705 16,131
<br />Culture and recreation:
<br />Personal services 58,687 551,953 4,215 614,855 544,399
<br />Supplies 2,710 28,570 2,500 33,780 27,070
<br />Contractual services 54,603 241,953 16,810 313,366 258,606
<br />Economic development
<br />Personal services 156,550 156,550 149,694
<br />Supplies 350 - - - 350 350
<br />Contractual services 62,733 - 1,726,541 73,954 1,863,228 1,799,454
<br />Capital outlay 30,000 30,000 30,000
<br />Total expenditures 116,000 4,700 249,633 822,476 23,525 31,539 1,726,541 73,954 3,048,368 2,849,512
<br />Surplus of revenues over
<br />(under) expenditures - (2,700) (149,633) (401,176) 104,653 7,737 (441,119) (374,637)
<br />Other financing sources (uses)
<br />Transfers in 149,633 350,000 499,633 496,679
<br />Transfers out - (91,484) (8,149) (99,633) (96,679)
<br />Total other financing
<br />sources (uses) 149,633 350,000 - (91,484) (8,149) 400,000 400,000
<br />Net change in fund balance - (2,700) - (51,176) 13,169 (412) (41,119) 25,363
<br />Fund balance, January 1: 159,936 2,852 1,240,612 317,951 17,430 30,609 907,087 35,596 2,712,073 2,686,710
<br />Fund balance, December 31 159,936 152 1,240,612 266,775 17,430 30,609 920,256 35,184 2,670,954 2,712,073
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