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Resolution 9503
City Council
City Council
09500 - 09999 (2021-2024)
Resolution 9503
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Last modified
11/24/2021 9:59:49 AM
Creation date
11/24/2021 9:59:13 AM
MV City Council
City Council Document Type
Resolution/Ordinance Number
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1.11. The City has determined it is most cost effective to convey the Property to the Authority in <br />consideration of one dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration pursuant to this Resolution and <br />a standard quit claim deed. <br />1.12. The Property shall be subsequently conveyed by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, <br />Section 469.105 for development purposes. <br />1.13. The City finds and determines that conveyance of the Property to the Authority is for a public <br />purpose and is in the public interest because it will further the objectives of the Development and the Project. <br />1.14. The City finds and determines that the further conveyance by the Authority of the Property <br />for the Development is for a public purpose and is in the public interest because it will further the objectives of <br />the Project. <br />1.15. The City Council finds that the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.356, <br />Subdivision 2 are hereby deemed satisfied, and that the conveyances of the Property to the Authority and by <br />the Authority for the Development are consistent with the proposed amended comprehensive municipal plan, <br />or alternatively, the City dispenses with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.356, Subdivision <br />2 and finds in the City Council's judgment that the proposed conveyance of the Property to the Authority has <br />no relation to the proposed amended comprehensive municipal plan of the City. <br />Section 2. Authorization. <br />2.01. The recitals set forth in this Resolution are incorporated into and made a part of this <br />Resolution. <br />2.02. The City Council finds and determines that the requirements of Minnesota Statutes Section <br />462.356, Subdivision 2 are hereby satisfied, or alternatively, dispensed with based upon the findings of the City <br />Council. <br />2.03. The City Council finds and determines that the transaction herein referenced and contemplated <br />is for a public purpose and is in the public interest. <br />2.04. The City Council approves the conveyance of the Property to the Authority pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutes Section 465.035 and Minnesota Statutes Section 471.64, and authorizes and directs the <br />Mayor and City Administrator to execute the deed and related documents necessary to facilitate the transaction <br />referenced herein and contemplated herein, with all such actions to be in accordance with the terms and <br />conditions set forth in this Resolution. <br />2.05. The Mayor and City Administrator, staff and consultants are hereby authorized and directed <br />to take any and all additional steps and actions necessary or convenient in order to accomplish the intent of this <br />Resolution. <br />2 <br />DOCSOPEN\MU205\52\763745.v 1-11 /18/21 <br />
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