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ORDINANCE NO. 984 <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7.03, SUBDIVISION I OF THE CITY OF <br />MOUNDS VIEW CHARTER PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S SYSTEM OF TAXATION <br />THE CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. Background; findings; authority. <br />1.01. The city of Mounds View ("City") is governed by a home rule charter (the "City Charter"), <br />adopted pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Minnesota and Minnesota Statutes, chapter 410 <br />the "Act"). <br />1.02. The Mounds View Charter Commission has proposed the adoption of an amendment to section <br />7.03 of the City Charter (the "Amendment") and recommended to the City Council that the <br />Amendment be adopted by ordinance in the manner prescribed by section 410.12, subdivision 7 of the <br />Act. <br />1.03. A public hearing on the Amendment was held on December 13, 2021 by the Mounds View City <br />Council after published notice containing the text of the Amendment, as required by the Act, and all <br />persons desiring to be heard with reference to the Amendment were heard at said public hearing. <br />1.04. The Mounds View City Council finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the City <br />and its inhabitants that the Amendment be adopted. <br />Section 2. Adoption; effective date; filing. <br />2.01. Section 7.03, subdivision 1 of the Mounds View City Charter is hereby amended by adding the <br />double -underlined language and deleting the stricken language as follows: <br />Subdivision 1. The City's annual resolution to levy ad valorem taxes (raising money against <br />real and personal property) shall adhere to the following formula: nct exceed the lesser of the fello in . <br />formulas; either the tax levy dollar amount may be increased up to 6 5% over the prior year tax levy <br />dollar amount ' ° ; ° , except in the <br />following circumstances: <br />AA) The tax levy dollar amount may be increased an additional 2 5% to a total of 9% over the <br />prior year tax levy dollar amount by an affirmative vote of four or more members of the <br />Council. <br />B The tax levy dollar amount may be increased to Consumer Price Index (CPII plus 2 5% if <br />CPI exceeds 6 5% by an affirmative vote of four members of the Council The CPI shall <br />be the 12 month average of the most recently published data for all Urban Consumers in <br />the Minneapolis, St. Paul metropolitan area, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor, <br />Bureau of Labor Statistics. <br />MU210\4\766940.v2